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  • http://weddingphotography.com.ph/7507/45-wedding-invitation-designs-reflect-style-event/

    • 35+ Exciting Club Party Flyers Design

      35+ Exciting Club Party Flyers Design ResourcesCorina Ciripitca • March 01, 2011 • 4 minutes READ To party or not to party? This question usually hits you on a Friday night – when you whether want to celebrate the end of the week or just go to bed because you are way too tired. As in many other subjects, a good marketing and advertising is what makes people decide to attend a certain party or stay

        35+ Exciting Club Party Flyers Design
      • 3Dグラフィックデザインのまとめエントリ

        Color Theory for Designers: Understanding the Psychology of Color

        • A4チラシ作成でクオリティに差が出るカンタンTips(ビギナー向け) #design

          仕事やイベントごとでちょっとしたチラシを作成する機会って製作の仕事をしている人以外でも結構ありますよね。 私は職業柄「これ自分で作ったんだけど、空いた時間で軽く修正してもらえると助かる」というような要望がかなりの頻度で来るので、おこがましい話なのですが、今回はデザインの心得が無い人でも覚えておくと地味にワンランク上のクオリティになるTipsをまとめておきます。 ガッツリとしたデザインの心得ではなく、あくまで製作職以外の方がちょっと気にかけるだけで良くなるポイントのみ。 良いなと思ったところだけ参考にしていただければと思います。 マージン(外側の余白)は上下左右1cm程度は確保する officeのPowerPointやIllustratorなどなど、レイアウトの自由度が高いソフトを使う場合は特に、用紙のかなり端っこまで文字や写真を配置してしまっている人を良く見かけます。 これをやってしまうと

            A4チラシ作成でクオリティに差が出るカンタンTips(ビギナー向け) #design
          • 40 Beautifully-Designed Navigation Menus | Vandelay Design Blog

            These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.

              40 Beautifully-Designed Navigation Menus | Vandelay Design Blog
            • Brilliant Minimalist Print Ads (31 pics)

              Category: Pics  | 27 Jan, 2011  | Views: 35161  | +128 | Tweet

                Brilliant Minimalist Print Ads (31 pics)
              • 40 Examples Of Very Creative Ads | Top Design Magazine - Web Design and Digital Content

                Printed ads are getting better and that’s why I always search for fresh examples. As our readers know by now, writing articles about this type of advertising is on of my favorite things.  Without more introduction, below you can see 40 examples of very clever ads which I found in the last week. Not Even A Speck of Dust Don’t Waste Your Creativity Healthy Brushing Malta Lowenbrau Stay With You Go B

                • Advertisements Showcase: 30 Hilarious Print Ads

                  The ads in the printed format for newspapers, billboards or magazines are a kind of challenges for the ad designers. An idea or message must be communicated simply and swiftly, it must be eye-catching enough to grab the viewer’s attention and convey the important information in an instant. When a print designer employs humour to carry this information, the result can be become a visual ‘one-liner’
