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*foodの検索結果1 - 2 件 / 2件

  • Common food dye found to make skin and muscle temporarily transparent

    Researchers have peered into the brains and bodies of living animals after discovering that a common food dye can make skin, muscle and connective tissues temporarily transparent. Applying the dye to the belly of a mouse made its liver, intestines and bladder clearly visible through the abdominal skin, while smearing it on the rodent’s scalp allowed scientists to see blood vessels in the animal’s

      Common food dye found to make skin and muscle temporarily transparent
    • 【🌐まとめ213回目🎉】🚩宮崎外食日記‼️⭐️1061〜⭐️1065❇️「ニココペッシュ」❇️「焼き菓子工房 Smile to you」❇️「Food Balance.Lab」❇️「遠赤自家焙煎珈琲 らくがき」❇️「COUNTRY CAKE」 - ❇️宮崎外食日記❇️

      🌀(1061)「ニココペッシュ(Sweets Shop Nicoco Peche)」★14 →【レモンケーキ】【フィナンシェ】‼️🌐宮崎市大字芳士🌐 https://www.miyazakilunch.com/entry/2022/05/08/190000 🌀(1062)「焼き菓子工房 Smile to you」→【台湾カステラ(チョコレート)】【ベルギーワッフル(プーレン)】‼️🌐宮崎市吉村町🌐 https://www.miyazakilunch.com/entry/2022/05/09/190000 🌀(1063)「Food Balance.Lab(フードバランスラボ)」④ →【フードバランスBOX (月替わりメニュー)】‼️🌐宮崎市大字恒久🌐 https://www.miyazakilunch.com/entry/2022/05/10/190000 🌀(1064)

        【🌐まとめ213回目🎉】🚩宮崎外食日記‼️⭐️1061〜⭐️1065❇️「ニココペッシュ」❇️「焼き菓子工房 Smile to you」❇️「Food Balance.Lab」❇️「遠赤自家焙煎珈琲 らくがき」❇️「COUNTRY CAKE」 - ❇️宮崎外食日記❇️