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  • Apache Kafka 0.9 is Released | Confluent

    I am pleased to announce the availability of the 0.9 release of Apache Kafka. This release has been in the works for several months with contributions from the community and has many new features that Kafka users have long been waiting for. Around 87 contributors provided bug fixes, improvements, and new features such that in total 523 JIRA issues could be resolved. Here is a quick overview of the

      Apache Kafka 0.9 is Released | Confluent
    • JWord対策の hostsファイル - memo.xight.org

      Summary %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows9xでは%windir%\hosts) に追記 3721.com www.3721.com download.3721.com dl.3721.com search.3721.com 3721.net www.3721.net download.3721.net dl.3721.net search.3721.net 9199.jp www.9199.jp download.9199.jp dl.9199.jp search.9199.jp 9199jp.jp www.9199jp.jp download.9199jp.jp dl.9199jp.jp search.9199jp.jp 127.0.0.

      • Jwordについて

        メニューへ/サイトトップへ 非表示にする方法/強制インストール回避/関連リンク 感情的なだけの否定は不味いとは思います。ただ、しつこいポップアップや疑惑の残るCnsMinを嫌っている方が、それなりにはいるので。 その上、MicrosoftにはCnsMinが迷惑ソフトに認定されております(関連リンク参照)。 引用元: JWORD(CnsMin)2 アンチ厨と工作員の戦い http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1120317427/ 【社員】最凶の不快ウェアJword.Part3【工作】 http://pc8.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1134209389/ 【社員】最凶の不快ウェアJWORD.Part2【vsその他】 http://pc8.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1120385659/

        • IEEE - Disneyland Paris

          International Conference on systems, man, and cybernetics SMC 2011 The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2011) provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to report the latest innovations, summarize the state-of-the-art, and exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of systems engineering, human-machine systems, and emerging cybern
