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  • "Doors" in Solaris: Lightweight RPC using File Descriptors

    "Doors" in SolarisTM: Lightweight RPC using File Descriptors Jim Voll Senior Staff Engineer Solaris Products Group This new lightweight RPC mechanism, adapted from Sun's Spring O/S project, will be inforporated into a future release of the SolarisTM operating environment. Developers can refer to Solaris documentation for additional library and SPI information. An Overview of Doors A door is a "fil

    • Elephants Are Doing Something Deeply Human

      Illustration by Ben Kothe / The Atlantic. Sources: NSA Digital Archive / Getty. The best thing language has ever done for us, as far as I’m concerned, is give us the ability to talk with and about one another. Why bother with words if you can’t get your friend’s attention on a crowded street and pull them aside to complain about your nemesis? Language, that is to say, would be largely useless with

        Elephants Are Doing Something Deeply Human
      • An update on invokers: Invoker commands in HTML | utilitybend

        One thing I’ve learned over the last year is to deal with changes in explainers and specs and that naming things is hard. In this update on Invokers, I will cover the new syntax and the new name: Invoker Commands. Once again giving you some control over interaction with HTML from opening dialog elements to creating custom counter buttons and video controls. A note of warning What I’m writing about

        • Effective TypeScript › A TypeScripter's Take on Zig (Advent of Code 2023)

          What can Zig learn from TypeScript, and what can TypeScript learn from Zig? The Advent of Code is a fun annual programming competition with an Elf theme. It consists of 25 two-part problems of increasing difficulty, released every day in December leading up to Christmas. Every December, I complete it in a new programming language. Every January, I intend to blog about the experience. Usually this

            Effective TypeScript › A TypeScripter's Take on Zig (Advent of Code 2023)