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Serbia'sの検索結果1 - 5 件 / 5件

  • Preparing for Defeat

    I’m writing this from Skopje, North Macedonia, where I’ve been for the last week teaching one of our Leadership Academy for Development courses. Following the Ukraine war is no different here in terms of available information, except that I’m in an adjacent time zone, and the fact that there is more support for Putin in the Balkans than in other parts of Europe. A lot of the latter is due to Serbi

      Preparing for Defeat
    • Factbox: Coronavirus cases at the Tokyo Olympics

      [1/2] The logo of the Tokyo Olympic Games, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office building in Tokyo, Japan, January 22, 2021. REUTERS/Issei Kato/File Photo TOKYO, Aug 6 (Reuters) - The Tokyo 2020 Olympics, postponed for a year due to the pandemic, is being held under unprecedented conditions including tight quarantine rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, a number of cases have em

        Factbox: Coronavirus cases at the Tokyo Olympics
      • [~LIVE]@Thiem Dominic vs Djokovic Novak tennis live stream free | HyperDocs.co

        [~LIVE]@Thiem Dominic vs Djokovic Novak tennis live stream free [~LIVE]) Thiem Dominic - Djokovic Novak tennis live stream free Go Live::> http://bit.ly/2O6DK6D Go Live::> http://bit.ly/2O6DK6D joined No. 2 Rafael Nadal and No. 3 Roger Federer in the semifinals. Dominic Thiem defeats Roger Federer to set up semi-final date with Novak Djokovic Thiem improves his head-to-head record to 4-2 over Fede

        • WHO: ‘Test every suspected case’ of COVID-19 – Live updates

          The World Health Organization has warned that the coronavirus pandemic is a “defining global health crisis of our time”, as it urged countries to test all suspected cases. The United States and countries across Europe have closed schools, entertainment venues and all but essential services, in an effort to combat the virus. Governments are limiting travel – both inward and outward – to curb the mo

            WHO: ‘Test every suspected case’ of COVID-19 – Live updates
          • 欧米をますます不利にするバイデンのウクライナ訪問

            2023年2月23日 田中 宇 2月20日、ポーランドを訪問中の米バイデン大統領が、公式日程になかったウクライナのキエフ(キーウ)訪問を電撃的に行った。同行した米記者団は、バイデンがキエフに行くかもしれないと予測していたものの、列車で行くとは思っていなかったらしい(ウソっぽいが)。バイデンはポーランド国境から10時間の列車の旅をしてキエフを訪問し、キエフに5時間滞在した後、再び10時間かけてポーランドに戻った。米国側マスコミの中には、バイデンが飛行機を使うこともできたのに、象徴的な意味を込めて列車の旅を選んだかのように報じているものもあるが、大間違いである。バイデンは列車で行くしかなかった。ウクライナ全土の上空は開戦直後からずっとロシアが制空権を握って飛行禁止区域に設定している。バイデンが飛行機で行ったらロシアのミサイルに撃ち落とされて死んでいた可能性がある。 (Biden Visits
