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Srebrenicaの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 43件

  • Russia vetoes UN move to call Srebrenica 'genocide'

    Srebrenica was the worst massacre in Europe since World War Two Russia has vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have described the Srebrenica massacre as "genocide". Four other members of the council abstained while the remainder voted in favour. The killing of some 8,000 Muslim men and boys in 1995 by Bosnian Serb troops was the worst massacre in Europe since World War T

      Russia vetoes UN move to call Srebrenica 'genocide'
    • Response: We're not genocide deniers. We just want to uncover the truth about Rwanda and Srebrenica

      In his column, George Monbiot attacked our work on Bosnia and Rwanda as "genocide denial" and "revisionism" (Left and libertarian right cohabit in the weird world of the genocide belittlers, 14 June). According to Monbiot, "DNA screening" has "identified the corpses of 6,595" Bosnian Muslims from Srebrenica. But DNA does not establish mode or time of death, and the commission investigating these d

        Response: We're not genocide deniers. We just want to uncover the truth about Rwanda and Srebrenica
      • Russia threatens veto on UN vote calling Srebrenica 'a crime of genocide'

        The Serbian and Bosnian Serb governments had called emergency sessions for Tuesday evening to discuss the draft resolution but the Bosnian Serb meeting was cancelled. The Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik told local media late on Tuesday: “The text of the resolution is so fundamentally bad, that it cannot be corrected. Russia is acting in accordance with the talks we had with them.” The Serbian go

          Russia threatens veto on UN vote calling Srebrenica 'a crime of genocide'
        • Srebrenica anniversary: Bosnia condemns attack on Serbia PM

          One of his colleagues told the Associated Press that Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic was hit in the face by a stone and his glasses were broken Bosnia's presidency has condemned an attack on Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic at a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre. It said Mr Vucic had visited the town "in a spirit of reconciliation, intending to pay respect". Mr Vu

            Srebrenica anniversary: Bosnia condemns attack on Serbia PM
          • How Britain and the US decided to abandon Srebrenica to its fate

            Bosnian forensic experts uncover and catalogue bodily remains found in a mass grave in the eastern village of Kamenica, near the town of Zvornik, close to the border with Serbia on 25 July 2002. Photograph: Reuters/CorbisAmerica’s national security adviser, Anthony Lake, told Frasure in a memo that he favoured revising the map. The former Dutch defence minister Joris Voorhoeve recalls a meeting wi

              How Britain and the US decided to abandon Srebrenica to its fate
            • BBC News - Timeline: Siege of Srebrenica

              In the summer of 1995, two years after being designated a United Nations Safe Area, the Bosnian town of Srebrenica became the scene of the worst massacre in the Bosnian war. This is an account of the critical days leading up to the killings. 6 - 10 July 1995: The Bosnian Serb Army attacks Srebrenica - within a UN safe area previously held by the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Civi

              • Paul Conroy: Homs comparable to Srebrenica

                The bombardment of Homs will be judged by history as a massacre comparable to Rwanda or Srebrenica, says a British photographer injured in the attacks. Paul Conroy, 47, told BBC's Newsnight he had witnessed "a systematic slaughter of the civilian population". In all his experience of war zones, he had never seen anything on this level, he said, and in 10 years, the world would be "wringing its han

                  Paul Conroy: Homs comparable to Srebrenica
                • BBC News - Serbia debates Srebrenica massacre apology (UPDATED AS: Serbian MPs offer apology for Srebrenica massacre)

                  Serbia's parliament has passed a landmark resolution apologising for the 1995 Srebrenica massacre - Europe's worst atrocity since World War II. The motion, approved by a narrow majority, says Serbia should have done more to prevent the tragedy. It stopped short of calling the Bosnian war killings a genocide. The murder of nearly 8,000 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) was carried out by Bosnian Serb forc

                  • The Shadows of Srebrenica

                    Inside the debate on how to think about the U.S.-China rivalry.

                      The Shadows of Srebrenica
                    • Dutch state 'responsible for three Srebrenica deaths'

                      Dutch peacekeepers forced some Bosniaks out of the UN compound in July 1995 A court in the Netherlands has ruled the Dutch state was responsible for the deaths of three Bosnian Muslims in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. The Dutch were in charge of the UN "safe area" when Bosnian Serb forces overran it in 1995 and killed 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys.

                        Dutch state 'responsible for three Srebrenica deaths'
                      • BBC News - Dutch fury at US general's gay theory over Srebrenica

                        Page last updated at 03:52 GMT, Friday, 19 March 2010 Dutch officials have rejected a retired US general's claim that its forces failed at Srebrenica because of poor morale over openly gay soldiers. A defence ministry spokesman dismissed as "complete nonsense" the remarks by John Sheehan, a former Nato commander. Gen Sheehan had been speaking at a US Senate hearing on allowing gay people to serve

                        • Srebrenica massacre anniversary: Crowds chase Serb PM away

                          One of his colleagues told the Associated Press that Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic was hit in the face by a stone and his glasses were broken Serbia's PM Aleksandar Vucic has been chased away by stone-throwing protesters from a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia-Herzegovina. About 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys died at the hands of Bosnian Serb

                            Srebrenica massacre anniversary: Crowds chase Serb PM away
                          • Dutch state responsible for three Srebrenica deaths, says court | World news | guardian.co.uk

                            Dutch court rules troops should not have allowed men to leave safe area or fall into the hands of Bosnian Serb forcesAppeal court judges in the Netherlands have ruled that the Dutch state was responsible for the deaths of three Muslim men after the fall of Srebrenica during the Bosnian war, in a verdict that opens the door to compensation claims.Dutch troops were in charge of the UN-declared "safe

                            • Revealed: the role of the west in the runup to Srebrenica’s fall

                              Eight thousand Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed over four days in July 1995 by Bosnian Serb death squads after they took the besieged town, which had been designated a “safe area” under the protection of UN troops. The act has been declared a genocide by the war crimes tribunal in The Hague, and the Bosnian Serb leaders Radovan Karadžic and General Ratko Mladic await verdicts in trials for

                                Revealed: the role of the west in the runup to Srebrenica’s fall
                              • Srebrenica: 613 victims reburied on anniversary

                                Mourners have gathered in Srebrenica to mark 16 years since the massacre of some 8,000 Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) by Bosnian Serb forces. The remains of 613 victims recovered from mass graves and identified over the past year are being reburied at a nearby memorial centre. The Bosnian Serb commander at Srebrenica, Ratko Mladic, was arrested in May and is on trial at The Hague. He is accused of ord

                                  Srebrenica: 613 victims reburied on anniversary
                                • Living with the memories of Srebrenica, 15 years on

                                  As he roars around the streets of Srebrenica in his three-tonne, self-built, bright red Hummer, Rob Zomer does not exactly blend in.

                                    Living with the memories of Srebrenica, 15 years on
                                  • Life for Bosnian Serbs over genocide at Srebrenica

                                    A UN tribunal has convicted two Bosnian Serbs for committing genocide in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and sentenced them to life in prison. Vujadin Popovic, 53, and Ljubisa Beara, 70, were among seven former high-ranking military and police officials to be sentenced.

                                    • Srebrenica massacre marked by Westminster Abbey service

                                      More that 8,000 men and boys died at Srebrenica, as Bridget Kendall reports Thousands of men and boys killed in the Srebrenica genocide 20 years ago have been remembered at a service at Westminster Abbey. About 2,000 guests, including survivors, politicians and the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina were in attendance. Munira Subasic, president of the Mothers of Srebrenica Association, spoke abou

                                        Srebrenica massacre marked by Westminster Abbey service
                                      • Serbia bans Srebrenica anniversary rallies

                                        Hasan Hasanovic is a survivor of the massacre and the Srebrenica Memorial Centre Curator Serbian authorities have banned gatherings in Belgrade to commemorate the Srebrenica massacre, after right-wing groups threatened disruption. Saturday is the 20th anniversary of the massacre, in which some 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb forces during the Bosnian war. Activists had planne

                                          Serbia bans Srebrenica anniversary rallies
                                        • Srebrenica: Boris Johnson pays tribute to victims of massacre

                                          Memorial events are being held in Bosnia and Herzegovina to mark the anniversary of the massacre Boris Johnson has paid tribute to the victims of Srebrenica to mark the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Around 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed in 1995 by Bosnian Serb forces - the worst atrocity on European soil since the end of World War Two.

                                            Srebrenica: Boris Johnson pays tribute to victims of massacre
                                          • New mass grave discovered in Srebrenica

                                            Satellite imagery helps Bosnia prosecution office locate grave near the village of Kozluk as Dayton Accords marked. Forensic experts say they have found a mass grave in northeast Bosnia containing remains that are most likely victims of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide. Eldar Jahic, an investigator of Bosnia’s prosecution office, said on Monday that the grave was found thanks to satellite images of an

                                              New mass grave discovered in Srebrenica
                                            • Serbian PM forced to flee Srebrenica massacre memorial

                                              POTOCARI, Bosnia (Reuters) - Serbia’s prime minister was forced to flee a ceremony held to mark 20 years since the Srebrenica massacre on Saturday, when mourners hurled stones and bottles at him in what his government later described as an attempted assassination. Bodyguards surrounded Aleksandar Vucic and rushed him away through a crowd that turned on him moments after he entered the cemetery and

                                                Serbian PM forced to flee Srebrenica massacre memorial
                                              • Srebrenica residents try to move on from massacre

                                                Burial sites for 136 newly-identified victims of the Srebenica massacre For people in Srebrenica, it is tempting to feel that the town only exists for a few days a year - at least as far as the rest of the world is concerned. The first indication that the season has started comes when the journalists roll in ("always the same questions," groans one resident) and bash at laptops in the hotel restau

                                                  Srebrenica residents try to move on from massacre
                                                • Srebrenica Massacre, After 20 Years, Still Casts a Long Shadow in Bosnia (Published 2015)

                                                  transcript Marching to Remember Srebrenica MassacreMarchers, including a survivor of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, commemorated the 20th anniversary of the mass killing of Muslim men and boys by Bosnian Serb forces. SHOWS: NEZUK, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (JULY 8, 2015) (REUTERS - ACCESS ALL) (SOUNDBITE) (Bosnian) SREBRENICA MASSACRE SURVIVOR, RESID DERVISEVIC, SAYING: “Everything that happened here

                                                    Srebrenica Massacre, After 20 Years, Still Casts a Long Shadow in Bosnia (Published 2015)
                                                  • Ratko Mladic trial shown footage of general in Srebrenica

                                                    Bosnian Serb wartime commander accused of ordering the killing of up to 8,000 Muslim men and boys in July 1995 Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb wartime commander, has been confronted with video and documentary evidence that he personally ordered the killing of up to 8,000 Muslim men and boys from the town of Srebrenica in July 1995. The 70-year-old former general has denied the charges, claiming he

                                                      Ratko Mladic trial shown footage of general in Srebrenica
                                                    • Dutch Court Rules That UN Has Immunity In Srebrenica Case

                                                      Yesterday, a Dutch district court ruled that the United Nations has immunity from a suit that sought to hold the international organization liable for failing to prevent the massacre at Srebrenica. The decision (in English) is here. Background on the case (from the plaintiffs' attorneys) is here; IWPR story here; AFP story here; Reuters story here; comment by the Invisible College Blog here. The p

                                                      • Dutch state liable for 300 Srebrenica massacre deaths

                                                        A court on Wednesday ordered the Netherlands to compensate the families of more than 300 men turned over to Bosnian Serb forces and later killed in the Srebrenica massacre 19 years ago. In an emotionally charged hearing at a civil court in The Hague, Presiding Judge Larissa Alwin said Dutch UN peacekeepers should have known that the men deported from the Dutch compound by Bosnian Serb forces on 13

                                                          Dutch state liable for 300 Srebrenica massacre deaths
                                                        • Srebrenica Revisited (Published 2015)

                                                          “I was 9 years old when Srebrenica fell. I never had a childhood. I lost count of how many people from our family died in the war, but my father tells me it is over 50, including my uncle who was killed in ‘The Column.’ I was in Tuzla when The Column started arriving. They were emaciated, exhausted, hallucinating.” — Adisada Dudic, who escaped in the middle of the night with her mother and three s

                                                            Srebrenica Revisited (Published 2015)
                                                          • How Bosnian Muslims view Christians 20 years after Srebrenica massacre

                                                            How Bosnian Muslims view Christians 20 years after Srebrenica massacre Family members mourn over coffins in Srebrenica on July 9. One hundred thirty-six bodies found in mass grave sites in eastern Bosnia will be reburied on 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre. (Photo by Dimitar Dilkoff/Agence France-Presse via Getty Images) This weekend marks 20 years since the Srebrenica massacre – the ki

                                                              How Bosnian Muslims view Christians 20 years after Srebrenica massacre
                                                            • Russia Won't Call Srebrenica a Genocide but Many Others Do - The New York Times

                                                              UNITED NATIONS — Western nations and Russia may be dueling over whether the U.N. Security Council should call the Srebrenica massacre during the Bosnian war an act of genocide but at Wednesday's General Assembly commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Europe's worst mass killing since World War II there was no doubt.Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the killing of more than 8,000 Bosnian Musli

                                                                Russia Won't Call Srebrenica a Genocide but Many Others Do - The New York Times
                                                              • Serbian PM to attend Srebrenica massacre anniversary

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                                                                  Serbian PM to attend Srebrenica massacre anniversary
                                                                • Mladic extradition arouses Dutch memories of Srebrenica

                                                                  Dutch troops were supposed to protect the refugees in the Srebrenica enclave in 1995 The extradition of Ratko Mladic to the Netherlands for trial on genocide charges is particularly poignant. The Dutch have a special interest in bringing him to justice because of their role - some would call it complicity - in the Srebrenica massacre. More than any other nation, the Netherlands - whose peacekeeper

                                                                    Mladic extradition arouses Dutch memories of Srebrenica
                                                                  • Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "Days after the Srebrenica Genocide, Kissinger went on Charlie Rose and referred to a “mythic Bosnia that has never… https://t.co/M4vFOklHHi"

                                                                    Days after the Srebrenica Genocide, Kissinger went on Charlie Rose and referred to a “mythic Bosnia that has never… https://t.co/M4vFOklHHi

                                                                      Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "Days after the Srebrenica Genocide, Kissinger went on Charlie Rose and referred to a “mythic Bosnia that has never… https://t.co/M4vFOklHHi"
                                                                    • 🌻the periphery of human experience🌻 on Twitter: "They will never forgive us for Srebrenica."

                                                                      They will never forgive us for Srebrenica.

                                                                        🌻the periphery of human experience🌻 on Twitter: "They will never forgive us for Srebrenica."
                                                                      • “Serbia arrests Srebrenica massacre suspects” - NewsAntenna

                                                                        Serbia arrests Srebrenica massacre suspectsThe Serbian authorities have arrested eight men suspected of taking part in the 1995 massacre at Srebrenica in Bosnia. Read more on “euronews (in English)”

                                                                        • Aleksandar Brezar on Twitter: "@_edinh Btw I think Dorin is on the famed Republika Srpska Srebrenica committee. Go figure..."

                                                                          @_edinh Btw I think Dorin is on the famed Republika Srpska Srebrenica committee. Go figure...

                                                                            Aleksandar Brezar on Twitter: "@_edinh Btw I think Dorin is on the famed Republika Srpska Srebrenica committee. Go figure..."
                                                                          • Marko Attila Hoare on Twitter: "Zoran Milanovic's denial of the Srebrenica genocide is further proof that there are no limits to the extent to whic… https://t.co/PHjjbxTPwh"

                                                                            Zoran Milanovic's denial of the Srebrenica genocide is further proof that there are no limits to the extent to whic… https://t.co/PHjjbxTPwh

                                                                              Marko Attila Hoare on Twitter: "Zoran Milanovic's denial of the Srebrenica genocide is further proof that there are no limits to the extent to whic… https://t.co/PHjjbxTPwh"
                                                                            • Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "In addition to (again!) publicly trivializing the Srebrenica Genocide, Croatia’s Pres cabinet (in)directly confirms… https://t.co/BEyctckK3u"

                                                                              In addition to (again!) publicly trivializing the Srebrenica Genocide, Croatia’s Pres cabinet (in)directly confirms… https://t.co/BEyctckK3u

                                                                                Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "In addition to (again!) publicly trivializing the Srebrenica Genocide, Croatia’s Pres cabinet (in)directly confirms… https://t.co/BEyctckK3u"
                                                                              • Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "Barnburner by @suljagicemir1: “If there’d been no Siege of Sarajevo, there would have been no Srebrenica Genocide.… https://t.co/GlmePIrOCz"

                                                                                Barnburner by @suljagicemir1: “If there’d been no Siege of Sarajevo, there would have been no Srebrenica Genocide.… https://t.co/GlmePIrOCz

                                                                                  Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "Barnburner by @suljagicemir1: “If there’d been no Siege of Sarajevo, there would have been no Srebrenica Genocide.… https://t.co/GlmePIrOCz"
                                                                                • Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "Two days before the anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide, the road leading to the @SrebrenicaMC is lined by Serb… https://t.co/CGXwhWlhQa"

                                                                                  Two days before the anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide, the road leading to the @SrebrenicaMC is lined by Serb… https://t.co/CGXwhWlhQa

                                                                                    Jasmin Mujanović on Twitter: "Two days before the anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide, the road leading to the @SrebrenicaMC is lined by Serb… https://t.co/CGXwhWlhQa"