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Yesterdayの検索結果1 - 2 件 / 2件

  • Palworld on X: "Regarding the Lawsuit Yesterday, a lawsuit was filed against our company for patent infringement. We have received notice of this lawsuit and will begin the appropriate legal proceedings and investigations into the claims of patent infring

    • 【和訳】Carpenters – Yesterday Once More

      歌詞&翻訳 When I was young, I’d listen to the radio 幼い頃、私はラジオを聴きながら Waitin’ for my favorite songs お気に入りの曲がかかるのを待っていたわ When they played, I’d sing along 曲が流れたら一緒に歌って It made me smile 微笑んでた Those were such happy times あの頃は本当に幸せな時間だった And not so long ago それほど昔のことじゃないのに How I wondered where they’d gone どこに行ってしまったんだろうって思ってた But they’re back again でも、また戻ってきたの Just like a long-lost friend まるで長い間会えなかった友達みたいに A
