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  • Web制作者必見!HTML5やCSS3の新しいテクニックを公開する「HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 2011」

    HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 20... / Border-width animation f... / :target those elements -...他...全9件 12月1日から24日まで、毎日1つずつHTML5やCSS3の新しいテクニックを公開する「HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 2011」 から、Web制作者がチェックしておきたい内容をご紹介します。

      Web制作者必見!HTML5やCSS3の新しいテクニックを公開する「HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 2011」
    • HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 2011

      Welcome to our advent calendar. Every day in december 2011 (until the 24th) we will post new cool HTML5 and CSS3 techniques here. These techniques may not work yet in all browsers because they are part of not quite finished specs. This also means that you may not be able to view all of the examples, but we'll always tell you in which browser it actually does work.

      • Border-width animation fun - December 1st, 2011 | HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 2011

        Of course you know about the css3 transition property. But did you know it works on borders too? These are some fancy effects you can create by transitioning the borders. Examples See more dusty old cars The border effect in it's simplest form (try hovering it) Go to our super car selection Round looks much better, also we leave a 2px border after the transition Check out this orange monster It wo

        • HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 2011

          Welcome to our advent calendar. Every day in december 2011 (until the 24th) we will post new cool HTML5 and CSS3 techniques here. These techniques may not work yet in all browsers because they are part of not quite finished specs. This also means that you may not be able to view all of the examples, but we'll always tell you in which browser it actually does work.

          • Groovyistからのステキなクリスマスプレセントだ #advent2011 - みちしるべ

            みなさんクリスマスプレゼントはもらえた? もらえた人も、もらえなかった人も、ここにいいモノがあるよ。 アイディアと情熱をもったGroovyistからのステキなクリスマスプレゼント。 ブログを読んだら、Groovyを読試したくなること間違いなし。 【Day 01】プログラミングGROOVYに書いてないけど、便利なGroovyプロダクト 【Day 02】G*と言えば猫、ということで子猫Tube作りました 【Day 03】LupinFX 【Day 04】Groovyを野良ビルドしてみよう 【Day 05】Spockでデータドリブンなテスト 【Day 06】GrailsのプラグインリポジトリとしてGithubを使う 【Day 07】Handy Gradle startup script 【Day 08】Groovy Eclipse Pluginのあれこれ 【Day 09】Gradleビルドランゲー

              Groovyistからのステキなクリスマスプレセントだ #advent2011 - みちしるべ
            • Amazing canvas pixels - December 16th, 2011 | HTML5 and CSS3 Advent 2011

              One of the standard tools in every front-end developer's arsenal is Adobe Photoshop. You use it to cut up Photoshop designs (if that's the way you work) and to create all kinds of image material for your site. Until recently you also needed it to add effects to your images (think desaturation, pixelation, blur etc.), but with the introduction of <canvas> we can do these things dynamically in the b

              • Web Advent 2011 / Egomaniacal and Scalable Apps

                The rise of cloud computing over the past few years has been incredible. Unfortunately, many still do not see the interest or do not comprehend its importance. This is not a post about cloud computing and its benefits, but rather a refresher about understanding some basic rules of scalability and how to get started with building scalable apps while keeping in mind that most people and companies ha

                • Web Advent 2011 / A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

                  The N+1 Problem It is easiest to describe the N+1 problem by example. Take a look at the following bit of PHP in a hypothetical blog app: <?php /** * @var Solar_Sql_Adapter|Zend_Db_Adapter * $sql An SQL database connection object. */ // 1 query to get 10 blog posts. $stmt = 'SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 10'; $posts = $sql->fetchAll($stmt); // 10 queries (1 per blog post) to get // the comments for ea

                  • Web Advent 2011

                    Introduction Christmas is upon us once again, and it’s time to have a look at what’s under the Web Advent tree. Join us each day as our wonderful authors provide presents of tips, tricks, & tidbits to usher in the new year. Mele Kalikimaka! Subscribe to our feed Follow us on Twitter Seasons: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 24th Dec: Facilitating Development Environment Consistency by Jeff Loise

                    • Web Advent 2011 / Cracks in the Foundation

                      PHP has been around for a long time, and it’s starting to show its age. From top to bottom, the language has creaky joints. I’ve decided to take a look at how things got to this point, and what can be (and is being) done about it. I start out pretty gloomy, but bear with me; I promise it gets better. In the Beginning, There Was Apache and CGI And there was much rejoicing. In 1994, Rasmus Lerdorf c
