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  • o1-preview大実験!ChatGPT o1は競プロの問題を解けるのかAtCoder (2024年9月版) - Qiita

    # Problem Statement Mr.LLM bought N items in a supermarket. The price of i-th item was A[i] dollars. Write a program that outputs the total price. # Constraints - 1 <= N <= 100 - 1 <= A[i] <= 100 (1 <= i <= N) - All input values are integer # Input N A[1] A[2] A[3] ... A[N] # Output Print the answer. # Sample Input 1 5 3 1 4 1 5 # Sample Output 1 14

      o1-preview大実験!ChatGPT o1は競プロの問題を解けるのかAtCoder (2024年9月版) - Qiita