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  • Don't refactor the code

    This is a piece of advice someone gave me a long time ago. Unfortunately, I don't really remember who, so I cannot properly attribute (although chances are they heard it somewhere too). But I decided to re-share this. What is refactoring? I'm sure we can find multitude of definitions. But with modern software development process it often becomes synonymous with any kind of code changes that do not

      Don't refactor the code
    • Visual testing: The greatest trick in UI development

      In UI development, making sure everything looks right is as important as making sure it works. Visual tests are image snapshot tests that solve for this. However, somewhat surprisingly, they can also replace the most brittle part of many UI unit tests: asserting on details of the UI. In many cases this can replace the unit test entirely, allowing you to test more with far less code. This post cove

        Visual testing: The greatest trick in UI development
      • イギリスの主要駅でAmazonのAI監視システムが国民への説明なしに導入されていたことが判明

        イギリスの主要駅でAmazonのAIを用いた監視システムが稼働していたことが判明しました。監視システムではカメラで撮影した人物の顔を自動認識して年齢や感情などを読み取っていたそうです。 Managed Stations_Service Realisation_Report_redacted - DocumentCloud https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24757665-2executive-summary-managed-stations_service-realisation_report_redacted Wired - UK train stations trialled Amazon emotion detection that could feed you adverts — Big Brother Watch https://b
