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  • sqlc internals - 薄いブログ

    github.com sqlc は何をやっているのか、問題に遭遇したときに調査するべき箇所はどこか? というのを sqlc 1.20 時点の情報をもとに書いていきます。 背景 最近 sqlc に PR を送るようになり sqlc についての理解が深まってきたのでまとめておこうというのと理解を共有しておくことで PR を送る人が増えると良いなという思惑があります。 sqlc とは SQL Compiler の略でスキーマとクエリからパラメータと結果の型を推論するツールです。 その推論された型からコードを生成したり、lint のようなことが可能です。 コード生成が主な機能ですが v1.20 から sqlc vet が導入されています。 Linting queries — sqlc 1.21.0 documentation internals sqlc はスキーマとクエリからパラメータや結果の型

      sqlc internals - 薄いブログ
    • USENIX LISA2021 BPF Internals (eBPF)

      Recent posts: 24 Mar 2024 » Linux Crisis Tools 17 Mar 2024 » The Return of the Frame Pointers 10 Mar 2024 » eBPF Documentary 28 Apr 2023 » eBPF Observability Tools Are Not Security Tools 01 Mar 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2022: Computing Performance: What's on the Horizon 17 Feb 2023 » USENIX SREcon APAC 2023: CFP 02 May 2022 » Brendan@Intel.com 15 Apr 2022 » Netflix End of Series 1 09 Apr 2022 » Te

      • Git's database internals III: file history queries

        EngineeringOpen SourceGit’s database internals III: file history queriesGit’s file history queries use specialized algorithms that are tailored to common developer behavior. Level up your history spelunking skills by learning how different history modes behave and which ones to use when you need them. This week, we are exploring Git’s internals with the following concept in mind: Git is the distri

          Git's database internals III: file history queries
        • Scheduling Internals

          A sneak peek to what's coming! I remember when I first learned that you can write a server handling millions of clients running on just a single thread, my mind was simply blown away 🤯 I used Node.js while knowing it is single threaded, I used async / await in Python, and I used threads, but never asked myself "How is any of this possible?". This post is written to spread the genius of concurrenc

          • PostgreSQL 14 Internals

            I’m excited to announce that the translation of the “PostgreSQL 14 Internals” book is finally complete thanks to the amazing work of Liudmila Mantrova. The final part of the book considers each of the index types in great detail. It explains and demonstrates how access methods, operator classes, and data types work together to serve a variety of distinct needs. You can download a PDF version of th

              PostgreSQL 14 Internals
            • React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering

              In this five part series, we will "recreate" React from the ground up, learning how it works along the way. Once we have finished, you should have a good grasp of how React works, and when and why it calls the various lifecycle methods of a component. This series is based on React 15.3, in particular using ReactDOM and the stack reconciler. React 16 and beyond have changed a lot. I still think thi

                React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering
              • Exploring Node.js Internals — Smashing Magazine

                Node.js is an interesting tool for web developers. With its high level of concurrency, it has become a leading candidate for people choosing tools to use in web development. In this article, we will learn about what makes up Node.js, give it a meaningful definition, understand how the internals of Node.js interact with one another, and explore the project repository for Node.js on GitHub. Since th

                  Exploring Node.js Internals — Smashing Magazine
                • Zig Build System Internals

                  Zig has a built-in build system for building projects. It runs on every platform Zig supports and is capable of building everything from simple executables and libraries to complex, multi-artifact, multi-step projects. This page will dive into how the internals of the Zig build system works. Build systems are an extremely important detail of any software project. When they work, they can feel like

                  • Explaining the internals of async-task from the ground up

                    async-task is one of the most complicated crates in the smol ecosystem. But, fundamentally, it’s just a future on the heap. I pride myself on smol packages being very easy to parse for anyone with a beginner’s level of experience in Rust. By that I mean, if you want to know how smol works, it should be very easy to pick up the source code, read through it, and understand how each individual part w

                      Explaining the internals of async-task from the ground up
                    • LLVM internals, part 1: the bitcode format

                      ENOSUCHBLOG Programming, philosophy, pedaling. Home Tags Series Favorites Archive Main Site LLVM internals, part 1: the bitcode format Jul 19, 2021 Tags: llvm, rust Series: llvm-internals Preword I’ve done a couple of posts on LLVM itself, mostly on things you can do with LLVM or how LLVM represents particular program features. I’ve received some good feedback on these, but I’d like to focus a sub

                      • GitHub - pingcap/awesome-database-learning: A list of learning materials to understand databases internals

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                          GitHub - pingcap/awesome-database-learning: A list of learning materials to understand databases internals