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新着順 人気順

marriageの検索結果1 - 5 件 / 5件

  • Opinion | Less Marriage, Less Sex, Less Agreement

    I wrote a column recently lamenting the decline in marriage rates, noting that a record half of American adults are now unmarried. As a long-married romantic myself, steeped in statistics suggesting that marriage correlates with happiness, I found that sad. My readers, not so much. Many women readers in particular dismissed heterosexual marriage as an outdated institution that pampers men while tu

      Opinion | Less Marriage, Less Sex, Less Agreement
    • 東京15区衆院補選候補者アンケート 2024年4月28日投開票 | 結婚の自由をすべての人に - Marriage for All Japan -

      2024年4月28日投開票の東京15区衆院補選の全候補者に、以下の2点を尋ねるアンケートを送りました。 質問1 「男性同士、女性同士の結婚を法律で認めるべきだ」 一番近いものを選んでください。 選択肢 1賛成 2どちらかと言えば賛成 3どちらとも言えない 4どちらかと言えば反対 5反対 質問2 結婚の平等(同性婚法制化)への賛同メッセージがあればお書きください。当団体HPに掲載します。制限字数なし。(回答は任意です) アンケート結果を届出順に報告します(2024/04/18 午前9時48分)。 福永活也 賛成 「僕は賛成です 理由は、司法判断で、同性婚の法制化を促す判断が出て始めていることと、事実認定の中でも先天的に一定確率で誕生すること、現状の事実婚では法律婚に代替しきれないこと、自分の家庭と他人の家庭は独立して別論であること等、です。 結婚は出産と結びつきやすく、出産可能性のない結婚へ

      • Japan same-sex marriage ban ruled unconstitutional again by courts

        Two more rulings in Japanese district courts have added weight to the push for same-sex marriage to be legalised. This week, courts in Tokyo and Sapporo ruled the nation's current ban was "unconstitutional", in line with previous landmark verdicts.

          Japan same-sex marriage ban ruled unconstitutional again by courts
        • Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage

          The move will cement Thailand's reputation as a relative haven for LGBTQ+ couples Thailand has taken a historic step closer to marriage equality after the lower house passed a bill giving legal recognition to same-sex marriage.

            Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage
          • Why Japan is unlikely to legalise same-sex marriage

            Thailand has just passed a ‘landmark’ marriage equality bill, which will pave the way for the recognition of same-sex unions in the Land of Smiles. The upper house in Bangkok comfortably approved the measure on Tuesday, and as soon as King Maha Vajiralongkorn signs it off Thailand will become the first Southeast Asian jurisdiction to formally legalise gay marriage. Equality campaigners in Japan wi

              Why Japan is unlikely to legalise same-sex marriage