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  • Surviving Software Dependencies - ACM Queue

    July 8, 2019 Volume 17, issue 2 PDF Surviving Software Dependencies Software reuse is finally here but comes with risks. Russ Cox For decades, discussion of software reuse was far more common than actual software reuse. Today, the situation is reversed: developers reuse software written by others every day, in the form of software dependencies, and the situation goes mostly unexamined. My backgrou

    • Why and how I got my own ASN!

      Intro In this article, I'll explain how, and why I acquired an Autonomous System Number and some IPv6 addresses. Getting some IPv6 cravings again In late 2020, I read https://blog.dave.tf/post/new-kubernetes/. In this post, the author said if they were to build something new, they would focus on "IPv6 only, mostly". This post got me to thinking about having some IPv6 connectivity again. Before I g

      • Amazon CloudWatch Agentのソースコードが公開されたのでナナメ読み

        突然ですがMonitoring Agentが好きです。 Amazon CloudWatch Agent is now Open Source and included with Amazon Linux 2というわけで、ざっと見てみました。 なお自分の脳内にうっすら記憶があるのは以下のAgent。 heartbeatsjp/happo-agent: Yet another Nagios nrpe mackerelio/mackerel-agent: mackerel-agent is an agent program to post your hosts' metrics to mackerel.io. 今回は https://github.com/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent v1.247345.36 を見ました。 概要 Golang製 Agentのコア部分は

        • Top 1,000 TCP and UDP ports (nmap default)

          Some quick notes on what nmap scans by default, the commands below will give you the ranges scanned, and there's also some lists suitable for copy/pasting. Top 1,000 TCP Ports: nmap -sT --top-ports 1000 -v -oG - Top 1,000 UDP Ports: nmap -sU --top-ports 1000 -v -oG - Ports ordered by frequency: sort -r -k3 /usr/share/nmap/nmap-services Example for specific services: nmap -sT -p*telnet* -v -oG - Co

            Top 1,000 TCP and UDP ports (nmap default)