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serfの検索結果1 - 2 件 / 2件

  • underling meaning - Google 検索

    「she was shouting orders at underlings between gulps of coffee」 同義語: subordinate, inferior, deputy, junior, assistant, adjutant, aide, minion, lackey, flunkey, menial, retainer, vassal, subject, serf, hireling, servant, henchman, myrmidon, right-hand man/woman, girl/man Friday, factotum, stooge, follower, camp follower, hanger-on, disciple, sidekick, bitch, dogsbody, skivvy, gofer, peon, scullion,

    • underling meaning - Google 検索

      「she was shouting orders at underlings between gulps of coffee」 同義語: subordinate, inferior, deputy, junior, assistant, adjutant, aide, minion, lackey, flunkey, menial, retainer, vassal, subject, serf, hireling, servant, henchman, myrmidon, right-hand man/woman, girl/man Friday, factotum, stooge, follower, camp follower, hanger-on, disciple, sidekick, bitch, dogsbody, skivvy, gofer, peon, scullion,
