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  • Exploring Typst, a new typesetting system similar to LaTeX - jreyesr's blog

    Hello again! Today we’ll review Typst ("Ty like in Typesetting and pst like in hipster"), a language and tool to write text documents, usually PDF documents. This will be a very long article; it started small but then kept growing and growing. Typst is similar in spirit and aims to LaTeX: it’s a typesetting tool that can be used to write and generate documents, usually PDF files. It intends to be

    • CSS Tricks That Use Only One Gradient | CSS-Tricks

      CSS gradients have been so long that there’s no need to rehash what they are and how to use them. You have surely encountered them at some point in your front-end journey, and if you follow me, you also know that I use them all the time. I use them for CSS patterns, nice CSS decorations, and even CSS loaders. But even so, gradients have a tough syntax that can get very complicated very quickly if

        CSS Tricks That Use Only One Gradient | CSS-Tricks