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iBATISに関するryoasaiのブックマーク (1)

  • iBATIS News

    Apache iBATIS is retired at the apache software foundation (2010/06/16) The original project team has moved to MyBatis hosted at Google Code. See http://www.mybatis.org/ for more. for more information, please view the announcement below and refer to the Attic. iBATIS Project Team Moving to Google Code ANNOUNCEMENT Eight years ago in 2002, I created the iBATIS Data Mapper and introduced SQL Mapping

    ryoasai 2011/02/14
    apache iBatisは終了し、今後はmybatisに移行。最近使っていなかったから知らなかった。Springは3.1M1でもiBatis2がサポートされている?
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