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Byron Nelson 2017の検索結果1 - 2 件 / 2件

  • Trademarks in Open Source

    Trademarks in Open Source Introduction Cases Unmanaged Trademarks: Naked Licensing FreecycleSunnyvale v. Freecycle Network Discussion Common Law Trademarks Planetary Motion, Inc. v. Techsplosion, Inc. Discussion Fair Use Defense to Trademark Infringement: Nominative Use Playboy Enters. v. Welles Discussion License Terms’ Bearing on Trademark Use MIT Discussion BSD-3-Clause Discussion PHP-3.0 Discu

    • Why do people hate vegans?

      It has left the beige-tinted margins and become social media’s most glamorous look. But why does veganism still provoke so much anger? By George Reynolds From the hunger strike to the edible projectile, history offers abundant examples of food being used for political ends. Even so, the crowd of vegans who gathered in central London earlier this year are unlikely to forget the moment when Gatis La

        Why do people hate vegans?