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  • The 100 Greatest Music Videos

    Photo illustration by Griffin Lotz. Images using in illustration via Scanrail/Adobe Stock; Youtube In the wee hours of August 1st, 1981, someone flipping through their channels might have come across the image of a rocket blasting into space. The familiar sight of Neil Armstrong exiting his lunar module and walking on the moon would fill the TV screen. And then they’d hear a voiceover, with all th

      The 100 Greatest Music Videos
    • YouTubeで見つけた1000近くの『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーが話題に - amass

      60年代から約40年間、その時代の最先端の音楽を積極的に紹介した、英BBC Radioの名物DJ、ジョン・ピール(John Peel)。BBC Radio 1で放送された『Peel Sessions』では、2,000人以上のアーティストが招かれてスタジオ・セッションを録音。このパフォーマンスは番組で放送され、また1986年にジョン・ピールらによって設立されたStrange Fruit Recordsから『Peel Session EP』シリーズとしてリリースされています。 YouTubeには、『Peel Sessions』の音源が大量にアップロードされており、YouTubeで見つけた全ての『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーのDave Stricksonが話題に。全部で1000近くあります。 ■Dave Stricksonブログ John Peel Ses

        YouTubeで見つけた1000近くの『Peel Sessions』音源をアルファベット順にまとめたブロガーが話題に - amass
      • Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free

        The eight Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the world. They include Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, and Columbia Universities, and the University of Pennsylvania. All eight schools place in the top fifteen of the U.S. News and World Report national university rankings. These Ivy League schools are also highly selective and extremely hard to get into

          Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free
        • John Peel Sessions

          THIS LIST IS BEING UPDATED REGULARLY AND THERE'S MORE HERE AND EVEN MORE HERE 14 Iced Bears - Peel Session 1986 14 Iced Bears - Peel Session 1987 1919 - Peel Session 1983 21 Guns - Peel Session 1981 22-20s - Peel Session 2004 23 Skidoo - Peel Session 1981 2TV - Peel Session 1979 3 Inches of Blood - Peel Session 2003 4 Skins - Peel Session 1981 70 Gwen Party - Peel Session 1991 70 Gwen Party - Peel

            John Peel Sessions
          • 0.8.0 Release Notes ⚡ The Zig Programming Language

            Tier 4 Support § Support for these targets is entirely experimental. If this target is provided by LLVM, LLVM may have the target as an experimental target, which means that you need to use Zig-provided binaries for the target to be available, or build LLVM from source with special configure flags. zig targets will display the target if it is available. This target may be considered deprecated by

            • 平沢進の音楽世界観を多角的に紐解く - Music Synopsis

              ※当記事は文字数が9万字以上ある記事になります。 そのため、時間がある時に閲覧すること、また字数の関係上スマートフォンでの閲覧よりもパソコンやタブレット端末での閲覧を併せて強く推奨します。 ・はじめに これまで久石譲・菅野よう子といったメジャーでありながら知名度も抜群であり多大なフォロワーがいる、いってみれば名実ともに全員が納得できる偉大な大家について書きました。つまり大衆が愛すべき作曲家に焦点を当てました。しかし今回はすこし捻った特集を組みました。 マイナーだけど何故かメジャーアーティストとして有名という音楽版の諸星大二郎とでも形容すべき人物、つまりは平沢進です。まず音楽版の諸星大二郎とはどういう意味なのか、という点についてです。 同業者からは絶大な支持があるもののより広域的な範囲では知られていないという存在を形容するものとして「ミュージシャンズ・ミュージシャン」という単語があります。

                平沢進の音楽世界観を多角的に紐解く - Music Synopsis
              • Yellow Magic Orchestra: BGM

                Each Sunday, Pitchfork takes an in-depth look at a significant album from the past, and any record not in our archives is eligible. Today we revisit the Japanese band’s technically masterful, tremendously expensive 1981 album, a record that looms over 40 years’ worth of electronic production. As a Japanese initialism, “BGM” stands for “background music.” It’s meant to evoke the blissful ’80s ambie

                  Yellow Magic Orchestra: BGM
                • Yoko Kanno On Her Music For ‘Escaflowne’, ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And Letting Her Imagination Run Free

                  'Macross Plus' was one of Yoko Kano's earliest and formative productions. Big West “When I left Yamaha, at around 9 or 10 years old, I started to learn under a proper piano teacher. However, they were located in the neighboring prefecture, so it took about 3 hours to get there. As I was learning piano, a big part of that was learning about harmony but I didn't seem to pay much attention to that at

                    Yoko Kanno On Her Music For ‘Escaflowne’, ‘Cowboy Bebop’ And Letting Her Imagination Run Free
                  • After Tokyo, we should bring the Olympic charade to an end | David Goldblatt

                    The empty seats in the stadiums of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are a blessing in disguise, for the sporting spectacle, no matter how good, will not be able to dispel the fact that this super-spreader event is being held in the midst of an unprecedented public health crisis and against the wishes of the vast majority of the Japanese public. In so doing, the International Olympic Committee – which earne

                      After Tokyo, we should bring the Olympic charade to an end | David Goldblatt
                    • An open letter in support of Richard M. Stallman

                      2021-03-23 Richard M. Stallman, frequently known as RMS, has been a driving force in the free software movement for decades, with contributions including the GNU operating system and Emacs. Recently, there have been vile online attacks looking to remove him from the FSF board of directors for expressing his personal opinions. We have watched this happen before in an organized fashion with other pr

                        An open letter in support of Richard M. Stallman
                      • The 35 Best Anime of All Time

                        At Paste, we believe there’s an anime for everyone. With lists like this, diverse demographics are often left unconsidered, effectively sidelining female and LGBT viewers. Hobbyists and fandoms have long had distinctive, individualized communities, lively groups that often do not intersect except, maybe, at anime conventions, given over half of North America’s attendees are female. So why is it th

                          The 35 Best Anime of All Time
                        • Stereogum's 100 Favorite Songs Of 2019

                          Within the macro tradition that is year-end list season, we at Stereogum have carved out our own micro tradition: Every December, instead of publishing a staff list of the year’s best tracks, we present a bunch of personally selected top-10 lists from our staffers and contributors. So although our rundown of 2019’s best albums represents a hard-argued consensus, the following collection of tunes i

                            Stereogum's 100 Favorite Songs Of 2019