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  • HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face


      HuggingFaceFW/fineweb · Datasets at Hugging Face
    • Bullshit Jobs

      Notes: ISBN 978-1-5011-4331-1, ISBN 978-1-5011-4334-2 (ebook); Most names and many identifying characteristics have been changed.; Interior design by Carly Loman; Jacket design by David L Itman To anyone who would rather be doing something useful with themselves. Preface: On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs In the spring of 2013, I unwittingly set off a very minor international sensation. It all be

        Bullshit Jobs
      • A History of Clojure

        71 A History of Clojure RICH HICKEY, Cognitect, Inc., USA Shepherd: Mira Mezini, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Clojure was designed to be a general-purpose, practical functional language, suitable for use by professionals wherever its host language, e.g., Java, would be. Initially designed in 2005 and released in 2007, Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, but is not a direct descendant of any
