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  • Time on Unix

    Sections What is time Representing time Where do we usually find time on Unix System time, hardware time, internal timers Syncing time with external sources What depends on time Human perception of time What is time Time is relative Measuring time and standards Coordinating time Time zones DST Time, a word that is entangled in everything in our lives, something we’re intimately familiar with. Keep

      Time on Unix
    • 訳文;「"好奇心駆動型の冒険"とでも言うべき特殊なタイプの冒険に報酬を与えるゲームをつくりたい、それが『Outer Wilds』の主目的です」A・ビーチャム氏の論文より - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら

      翻訳の秋が今年もきました。また去年みたく面白い記事をいくつか見つけて勝手に紹介したいところです! {また翌年も、これに関連する論考を勝手に紹介しました。(訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考) 訳文2万1000字+感想1万6千字くらい。 ※言及したトピックについてネタバレした文章がつづきます。ご注意ください※ 訳した人・なぜ訳した? 内容ざっと説明 ('23追記)ネタバレをある程度避けて論文のエッセンスを味わえる、オフィシャルな記事がオフィシャルな人々から出たよ 論文訳文 アレックス・ビーチャム著『Outer Wilds: a game of curiosity-driven space exploration :: Unive

        訳文;「"好奇心駆動型の冒険"とでも言うべき特殊なタイプの冒険に報酬を与えるゲームをつくりたい、それが『Outer Wilds』の主目的です」A・ビーチャム氏の論文より - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
      • Rethinking Visual Programming with Go · divan's blog

        This is a blog version of the talk I gave at GopherCon Europe 2019 (Canary Islands Edition), where I shared my thoughts on why Visual Programming Languages have failed and revealed for the first time my experiment on visualizing Go code. I could dive in straight into the project, but I do believe to truly appreciate it, I have to explain the thought line behind it first. It starts with an almost e

          Rethinking Visual Programming with Go · divan's blog
        • tinyphysicsengine

          tinyphysicsengine This is tinyphysicsengine (TPE), a small, completely public domain KISS/suckless, fixed point physically inaccurate pure C header only 3D physics engine (or rather a library) mostly for entertainment purposes that's supposed to run even on tiny computers such as embedded, even bare metal. It's written in the same style/philosophy as small3dlib, raycastlib etc. Keep in mind the li

          • 背景コレクション50 | ちちぷい魔導図書館

            「AI COLLECTION」当日に向けて毎日記事を投稿していくアイコレアドベントカレンダー企画! 本日(3月27日)担当いたします 京すけと申します。 本記事は「背景考えるのめんどくさい!」という人や「始めたばかりで背景の呪文が分からない!」と言う人に向けて声掛け不要で使用できる50個の背景呪文セット(以下、呪文群と呼びます)をご紹介いたします。 さっそくですが本題に入りたいと思います。 【前置き(読まなくても良い)】さて...... 先月、私はあるアンケートをTwitterにて行いました。 簡単にまとめますと、誰かが投稿している絵のプロンプトを無断で使用することに躊躇すると答えた人が約3割もいらっしゃいました。 何を隠そう私もその一人なのでお気持ちはわかります。 そこで「誰もが気軽に扱いやすい呪文群をAI絵界隈全体に向けて提供できないかしら?」と考え、それを今回の記事の着想としました。

              背景コレクション50 | ちちぷい魔導図書館
            • 20,000 Startup Ideas

              20,000 Startup Ideas (This data comes from the O*NET web site.) This gives a kind of map of the territory of current economically important human activities. Therefore it represents a good source of startup ideas. It maybe is even the listing of approximately all startup ideas. Visit individuals in homes or attend group meetings to provide information on agency services, requirements, or procedure

              • How bad are search results? Let's compare Google, Bing, Marginalia, Kagi, Mwmbl, and ChatGPT

                Marginalia does relatively well by sometimes providing decent but not great answers and then providing no answers or very obviously irrelevant answers to the questions it can't answer, with a relatively low rate of scams, lower than any other search engine (although, for these queries, ChatGPT returns zero scams and Marginalia returns some). Interestingly, Mwmbl lets users directly edit search res

                • Quantum supremacy: the gloves are off

                  The Blog of Scott Aaronson If you take nothing else from this blog: quantum computers won't solve hard problems instantly by just trying all solutions in parallel. Links: Google paper in Nature New York Times article IBM paper and blog post responding to Google’s announcement Boaz Barak’s new post: “Boaz’s inferior classical inferiority FAQ” Lipton and Regan’s post My quantum supremacy interview w

                    Quantum supremacy: the gloves are off
                  • Institute for the Study of War

                    This page collects ISW and CTP's updates on the conflict in Ukraine. In late February 2022, ISW began publishing daily synthetic products covering key events related to renewed Russian aggression against Ukraine. These Ukraine Conflict Updates replaced ISW’s previous “Indicators and Thresholds for Russian Military Operations in Ukraine and/or Belarus,” which we maintained from November 12, 2021, t

                    • Visualizing Black Holes with General Relativistic Ray Tracing – Sean's Projects

                      Okay I ended up making this write-up waaaaaay too long, so before I get into any of the jargon, let’s take a look at the finished product: Orbiting around the equator of a supermassive black hole, with an off-axis accretion disk. Orbiting laterally from the equator to the north pole of a slightly less supermassive black hole. Sitting near the accretion disk of a really, really supermassive black h

                      • Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!

                        The Blog of Scott Aaronson If you take nothing else from this blog: quantum computers won't solve hard problems instantly by just trying all solutions in parallel. You’ve seen the stories—in the Financial Times, Technology Review, CNET, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, or elsewhere—saying that a group at Google has now achieved quantum computational supremacy with a 53-qubit superconducting device. Whil

                          Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ!
                        • ALL IN ONE CHEAT SHEET 8

                          Page 1 of 330 ALL IN ONE MATHEMATICS CHEAT SHEET V2.10 eiπ + 1 = 0 CONTAINING FORMULAE FOR ELEMENTARY, HIGH SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS COMPILED FROM MANY SOURCES BY ALEX SPARTALIS 2009-2013 4/9/2013 9:44:00 PM Euler’s Identity: Page 2 of 330 REVISION HISTORY 2.1. 08/06/2012 UPDATED: Format NEW: Multivariable Calculus UPDATED: Convergence tests UPDATED: Composite Functions 2.2. 10/07/2012 NE

                          • 突然ですが占ってもいいですか?番組の挿入歌・選曲BGMまとめ!テーマソング・ヒップホップ含むyoutubeプレイリスト再生動画!

                            突然ですが占ってもいいですか? 突然ですが占ってもいいですか?番組の挿入歌・選曲BGMまとめ!テーマソング・ヒップホップ含むyoutubeプレイリスト再生動画! 占いちゃんは考えた 占いちゃんは考えた!は占い情報WEBメディアです。 占い師の先生は男性。運営方針・ライターさんは女性です。ぜひご覧いただけますと嬉しいです。 占いを通して恋や仕事の参考にしたい開運方法・おまじない・パワースポット などスピリチュアル情報など、暮らしが楽しくなる内容を発信。今まで1,000人以上の方を鑑定してきました。ぜひ色々と読んでいただけると嬉しいです。 久しぶりのゴールデン時間帯での占い番組!【突然ですが占ってもいいですか?】 これから人気番組に成長していきそうな予感!・・・というのも視聴率アップ請負人とも呼ばれる「みちょぱ」さんも出演しているから。そのコメントも楽しみですね! そこで今回は「突然ですが占っ

                            • Ready Or Not. The Post Modern Data Stack Is Coming.

                              Ready or Not. The Post Modern Data Stack Is Coming. Barr Moses CEO and Co-founder, Monte Carlo. Proponent of data reliability and action movies. Shane Murray Shane is Field CTO of Monte Carlo. Previously, he served as the SVP of Data & Insights at The New York Times. If you don’t like change, data engineering is not for you. Little in this space has escaped reinvention. The most prominent, recent

                              • Tenet (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft

                                Armed with only one word, Tenet, and fighting for the survival of the entire world, a Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. Synopsis An unnamed CIA agent — referred to as “The Protagonist” — participates in an undercover SWAT operation at a Kiev opera house, rescuing an exposed spy and capturing a stran

                                  Tenet (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft