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  • Emoji CSS

    Want to include emoji in your HTML? Just include the (minified) stylesheet below, then add <i> tags to insert emoji. That's it! ✈ Click the emoji code and it will be copied to your clipboard. <link href="https://emoji-css.afeld.me/emoji.css" rel="stylesheet"> <i class="em em-bird" aria-role="presentation" aria-label="BIRD"></i> By default, the emoji will be served as PNGs. To use SVG instead, use

    • Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate

      Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 1665 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 21 Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac ProNick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac FreeI discovered it took a lot of discipline to stay on track but after making such an effort for the week I will find it difficult to go back to the way I was before. The sustainable living p

        Nick Loman On Twitter: Thinking Of Switching To Airmail For Mac - gigacorporate