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  • vgrep便利ですねという話 - φ(・・*)ゞ ウーン カーネルとか弄ったりのメモ

    この記事はLinuxその2 Advent Calendar 2020の4日目の記事です。 今回はtoolネタです。vgrepというgrep系のツールがあって結構便利です。これは今年のOpen Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference North America 2020でのAsk the Expert SessionでGreg KHさんがコードを調べる時にvgrepを使ってると言っていたので知りました。 使い方はわりと簡単なのでREADME.mdを見ればOKだと思います。 grepとの比較 grep系のコマンドなので速さはどうなの?というところですが、qemu上のこんなriscv64環境(cpu4個、メモリ8GB)で試してみます。fedoraのriscv64版にもvgrepパッケージあります。 masami@fedora-riscv:~/linux

      vgrep便利ですねという話 - φ(・・*)ゞ ウーン カーネルとか弄ったりのメモ
    • Linux_5.2 - Linux Kernel Newbies

      Linux 5.2 was released on 7 July 2019. Summary: This release includes Sound Open Firmware, a project that brings open source firmware to DSP audio devices; open firmware for many Intel products is also included. This release also improves the Pressure Stall Information resource monitoring to make it usable by Android; the mount API has been redesigned with new syscalls; the BFQ I/O scheduler has g

      • Linux_5.11 - Linux Kernel Newbies

        Linux 5.11 was released on Sun, 14 Feb 2021 Summary: This release adds supports for a new mechanism that lets software like wine handle windows syscalls in a much faster and clean manner; support for unprivileged overlayfs mounts; support for Intel SGX enclaves; support for upcoming AMD and Intel graphics hardware; faster performance and data recovery options in Btrfs; support for re-exporting via

        • How is the Linux kernel tested?

          Have you ever wondered how the Linux kernel is tested? How to maintain the quality of an open source project with millions of lines of code developed by thousands of programmers worldwide? It is not an easy task. But that doesn’t mean it is not possible! A new Linux kernel version is released approximately every 3 months (10 to 12 weeks). In this period, 2 weeks are reserved for the “merge window”

            How is the Linux kernel tested?