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  • 『欧米圏デジタル・ヒューマニティーズの基礎知識』特設サイト

    [1] http://www.europeana.eu/portal/, accessed July 19, 2020. [2] http://discovery.dho.ie/, accessed July 19, 2020. [3] http://www.omnia.ie/, accessed July 19, 2020. [4] http://nialloleary.eu/, accessed July 19, 2020. [5] http://www.digitalnz.org/, accessed July 19, 2020. 1-8 [1] 例えば、岡崎敦「西欧中世における「書簡」資料をめぐる諸問題」新井由 紀夫(編)『「中・近世西欧における書簡とコミュニケーション」キックオフ・ シンポジウム報告書』(2018), 5-22 など。 [2] 基本的に本節の内容は、Peter S

    • Man plays his saxophone through 9-hour, "very, very complex" brain surgery to remove tumor

      Man plays his saxophone through 9-hour, "very, very complex" brain surgery to remove tumor Man plays saxophone during surgery as doctors remove brain tumor 01:06 Rome — A musician had a brain tumor removed in Italy this week in a nine-hour surgery that he spent not only awake and fully conscious, but playing his saxophone. The 35-year-old male patient had the procedure at Rome's Paideia Internatio

        Man plays his saxophone through 9-hour, "very, very complex" brain surgery to remove tumor