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PCに関するtakehiko-i-hayashiのブックマーク (1)

  • Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide

    Picking out big, pricey gifts is easy. Finding inexpensive, smaller stuff for stockings, office gift exchanges, and third cousins twice removed is where gift-buying season gets tricky. That’s why we compiled this list of 150 Inventory-recommended (and actually useful) stocking stuffer ideas, all for $20 or less.*

    Kotaku - The Gamer's Guide
    takehiko-i-hayashi 2014/06/18
    「ハッシュ!」とかもひっかかるような気が/ (というか橋口亮輔作品はわりと全般的にそうかも/というか考えてみると橋口作品に出てくる女性って基本友達いないな...あゆ片岡木村然り)
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