"Life-sciences databases are in crisis, say their operators, as funders keen to support exciting new projects lose interest in maintaining existing services. ",NAR DB Issue 2000にある89のデータベースのうち、44が資金確保に奮闘。18が無問題。7が資金難により終了。
1994年時。ウェブ版Entrezが初登場。"World Wide Web/Mosaic access is also available for Entrez or BLAST searching.", "Network searching is growing at a faster pace than the e-mail services and averages approximately 3000 requests per day."
"We focused on a large corpus containing information on researchers, research fields, and institutions. We based our strategy on traditional entity recognition, social computing and correlation. We devised a semi automatic approach for the recognition, correlation and extraction of named entities.."
"a new database at EBI that stores information about biological samples used in molecular experiments, such as sequencing, gene expression or proteomics."