InsurTechと機械学習に関するwgfeebizのブックマーク (1)

  • The AI 100

    AI 100: The Artificial Intelligence Startups Redefining Industries The AI 100 is CB Insights' annual list of the 100 most promising private AI companies in the world. Download the full list of winners to meet companies working on diverse solutions designed to recycle plastic waste, improve hearing aids, combat toxic online gaming behavior, and more. Some of this year’s winners are advancing the de

    The AI 100
    wgfeebiz 2018/01/16
     米調査会社のCB Insightsにより2018年版「AI 100」が発表された。革新的なAI技術に取り組んでいる2000以上の未公開企業の中から、同社の選定条件をクリアした企業を選定したもの。
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