
Economistとpoliticsに関するAKANE_Daigoのブックマーク (4)

  • Master plan

    LAST year Japan lowered the voting age from 20 to 18. But Minami, a high-schooler from Tokyo, does not plan to vote in an election for the upper house of the Diet, or parliament, on July 10th. Like many Japanese, she finds politics dull. The upcoming election will probably not change their views. The government, led by Shinzo Abe, is likely to trounce the floundering opposition. Mr Abe’s poll rati

    Master plan
    AKANE_Daigo 2016/07/04
  • Abe’s demons

    JAPAN’S imperious newspapers rarely issue apologies; two in six months is unheard of. In August, the liberal Asahi Shimbun admitted running stories based on discredited testimony by a former Japanese soldier who said he had corralled Korean women into wartime military brothels. Last week, the Asahi’s conservative archrival, Yomiuri Shimbun, said sorry to its 10m readers for using the term “sex sla

    Abe’s demons
    AKANE_Daigo 2014/12/10
  • Moment of reckoning

    Moment of reckoningShinzo Abe’s expected victory in next week’s snap election will leave him no excuse for further backsliding on structural reform THERE is little doubt that Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, sees himself as a leader with an historic mission. In an interview with The Economist, he recalled the revolutionaries from his home prefecture of Yamaguchi who in the 1860s overthrew the o

    Moment of reckoning
    AKANE_Daigo 2014/12/10
  • The threat of merely screaming

    PUBLIC demonstrations in Japan are some of the free world’s most orderly and also some of the most heavily policed. On November 26th, as the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) pushed a controversial secrecy bill through the lower house of the Diet, your correspondent walked by a line of protesters sitting calmly outside the building, holding signs against the proposed law. The nearest thing to

    AKANE_Daigo 2013/12/04
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