
アイデアと世界に関するAKIMOTOのブックマーク (1)

  • Stateside substitutes

    By The Economist online Which countries match the GDP and population of America's states? IT HAS long been true that California on its own would rank as one of the biggest economies of the world. These days, it would rank eighth, falling between Italy and Brazil on a nominal exchange-rate basis. But how do other American states compare with other countries? Taking the nearest equivalent country fr

    AKIMOTO 2011/01/25
    アメリカ各州の経済規模に近い世界の国を地図にあてはめて表示したおもしろい可視化。さすがに日本や中国はんないけど、イタリア・ロシア・オーストラリアに匹敵する州も by エコノミスト
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