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Translations: Srpsko-Hrvatski 2012 note: This article was first published in 2005. After it was published, Django launched a RemovingTheMagic project to address some of my criticisms (though personally I still find it unusable), web.py inspired FriendFeed’s tornado.web and Google’s gae.webapp and others (though I still prefer web.py), and this article led to a permanent surge in Reddit traffic tha
This is the old code in net/ipv6/ip6_output.c: mtu -= hlen + sizeof(struct frag_hdr); and this your suggested replacement: if (overflow_usub(mtu, hlen + sizeof(struct frag_hdr), &mtu) || mtu <= 7) goto fail_toobig; The problem as I see it is that the overflow_usub() function is non-standard and requires special compiler support to generate reasonably efficient code. That function hasn't been used