「私たちは世界のすべてのプロセスをあなたにお見せします」💌 お問合せ : processx2@gmail.com
業界人です。お盆休みに帰省できず暇を持て余した友人から急にSkypeがかかってきて、「そういえば日本の半導体産業って衰退してるってよく言われるけど今どんな感じなん?やっぱり人件費で中国韓国に勝てないの?」みたいなことを聞かれて、日本の半導体産業の規模感って一般にあまり知られていないと思ったので、備忘録的に日本で半導体を製造している主要メーカーとその工場について書いてみる。 始めにロジック半導体とメモリ半導体から。気が向いたら他の分野も書く。 追記:書いた https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20200813164528 はじめに 半導体製造コストの人件費について半導体工場で使用される製造装置は寡占化が進んでおり、世界中どのメーカーでも使われる装置自体に大差はない。 この辺の記事 (https://eetimes.jp/ee/articles/2003/17/news048_
Note: This cartridge's settings do not allow embedded playback. A [Play at lexaloffle] link will be included instead. DeFacto is a game about building a large automated factory chain. You must install miners to collect raw resources, transform them in furnaces, and combine them in factories. The final goal is to send rockets full of robots and by doing so continue to explore the galaxy. DeFacto is
Chinese delivery firm is moving to embrace automation. Orange robots at the company's sorting stations are able to identify the destination of a package through a code-scan, virtually eliminating sorting mistakes. Shentong's army of robots can sort up to 200,000 packages a day, and are self-charging, meaning they are operational 24/7. The company estimates its robotic sorting system is saving arou
Chinese firm halves worker costs by hiring army of robots to sort out 200,000 packages a day The machines are cheaper than human workers and are also more efficient and accurate in sorting out parcels, spokesman says
On this episode of Stoned Mode, we reveal the very unsexy way that sex dolls are made. SUBSCRIBE for NEW VIDEOS every TUESDAY and FRIDAY!! http://bit.ly/TateredSub More Nice Content! http://bit.ly/Tatered-NiceContent NICE CONTENT: Look at it. Nice, isn't it? So nice. PLUG INTO TATERED INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tateredvideo FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TateredVideo TWITTER: htt