
SmartphoneとGalaxyに関するAKIMOTOのブックマーク (1)

  • Samsung Copy & Paste Bug (AKA Never Trust Samsung)

    Samsung phones crash if you use copy & paste more than 20 times. http://t.co/2OnBwo86 Shockingly bad engineering. — Terence Eden (@edent) February 20, 2013 Sounds crazy, doesn't it? If you copy and paste text more than 20 times, your phone will restart! Some people have reported more severe crashes than that - but for me it is only (!) a soft restart. This affects the Galaxy Note II, as well as th

    Samsung Copy & Paste Bug (AKA Never Trust Samsung)
    AKIMOTO 2013/02/21
    コピペ20回ほどでSamsung製Androidのいくつかが強制リセットされるバグ。手元のGalaxy Nexusではクリップボード履歴ツールというのが無いしクラッシュも再現しなかった
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