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Welcome to the official blog for the PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory https:/
You are here: Home / Tutorial / WordPress Plugin Development with Git/GitHub Major props to Kaspars Dambis and the original tutorial that he wrote. I do things a bit differently, but that tutorial was absolutely instrumental in getting me up and running. Before We Begin Note: This tutorial assumes that you’re setting up a new Plugin in the repository, and that you are starting with a
Say hello to fully automated GitHub mirrors of every plugin in the plugin repository. These aren't your typical plugin Git repositories. These mirrors can be used for fast, efficient, and automated plugin updates using Composer, and don't require "sync scripts" or separate Subversion checkouts for plugin development. They also offer a way for plugin developers to make the move to Git
PHP入門書の次はサービス開発に取り組んでいる岡本です。 WordPressのサイトをスマートフォンのアプリに変換するツールなのですが、今回はオープンな感じで進めていこうと考えています。 諸機能 記事が読めるよ! カテゴリ一覧や月別一覧もあります! 固定ページ一覧も搭載 キャッシュ機能があるので途中で電波が途切れても多少は読める、はず ※上記イメージはプロトタイプであり、完成版の見た目は変わる予定です。 特命の成り行き このプロジェクトはBOSSからの「MonacaとWordPressを連携させてビジネスチャンスを生み出してほしい」という、非常にざっくりとした特命を受けて遂行しております。 「WordPress詳しかったよね?」 「はぁ、個人のブログにWordPressを使っていることが、詳しいのうちに入るのであればYESです(が、WordPressはもっと奥の深い製品ですよ)」 新しいこ
Object-oriented code, among other things, can help organize and add reusability to your code. In this tutorial, I will teach you the basics of writing a WordPress plugin using object-oriented techniques. We'll be using Dribbble's API as an example for this tutorial. Ready? What We're Going to Learn Benefits of using OOP for WordPress plugins How to set up a shortcode How to set up a template tag H
Had enough with trying to find the perfect WordPress Plugin? If you are like most WordPress designers you have spent countless hours on behalf of your clients researching and testing many WordPress Plugins based upon testimonials, recommendations, and rave reviews only to have them not operate as expected. Undaunted, you install another promising Plugin and then another and then another. Soon you