GlimeLab: AI Support for Developers. Merge multiple data sources, get spot-on answers, and enjoy a seamless experience. Elevate productivity and customer satisfaction today!
「HiTTO」は、バックオフィス部門を中心に利用されています。 従業員からの定型的な質問をご担当者様の代わりにチャットボットが対応することで、対応工数の削減に貢献いたします。 さらに、チャットボットの活用を通じて社内ナレッジを体系化することで、従業員様へのスムーズな情報共有を実現します。
A peer-to-peer chat app that is serverless, decentralized, and ephemeral
Keep track of SlackSimply add Abbot to your Slack workspace, and invite it to rooms where you'd like it to keep track of customer conversations, or rooms where you want to add automation. Keeps track of your chat roomsAbbot monitors the conversations in your support channels and makes sure that your customers receive timely responses. Integrates with your team’s systemsAbbot integrates with popula
ワンクリックで すぐに話せる リモートワーク、オフィス、複数の拠点が 同じ空間でつながるオンラインワークスペース
Gitter is a chat and networking platform that helps to manage, grow and connect communities through messaging, content and discovery. Built on Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication. There is a variety of clients are available. Learn more Simple to start Sign-in with GitHub/GitLab/Twitter and start chatting, with End-to-End Encrypted messaging. Markdown and La
We've reached an agreement to be acquired by Microsoft. More details can be found here. Can you chat? Howdy builds bots, chat integrations, voice skills and the tools that power them. Conversational user interfaces are a new and vital part of digital content and services. Today it is common for people to interact with productivity enhancing bots at work, and voice assistants at home and on the go.