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http3に関するBigFatCatのブックマーク (2)

  • Introduction · HTTP/3 explained

    This book effort was started in March 2018. The plan is to document HTTP/3 and its underlying protocol: QUIC. Why, how they work, protocol details, the implementations and more. The book is entirely free and is meant to be a collaborative effort involving anyone and everyone who wants to help out. A reader of this book is presumed to have a basic understanding of TCP/IP networking, the fundamental

    Introduction · HTTP/3 explained
  • Some notes about HTTP/3

    HTTP/3 is going to be standardized. As an old protocol guy, I thought I'd write up some comments. Google (pbuh) has both the most popular web browser (Chrome) and the two most popular websites (#1 Google.com #2 Youtube.com). Therefore, they are in control of future web protocol development. Their first upgrade they called SPDY (pronounced "speedy"), which was eventually standardized as the second

    BigFatCat 2018/11/24
    "Linux and then other operating systems upgraded UDP to support multiple file descriptors for a single socket (SO_REUSEPORT) to handle the multiple queues"
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