
transifexとdjangoに関するIanLewisのブックマーク (1)

  • Transifex

    Welcome to Transifex.org Txo is the development portal for Transifex. Here you can find information about the software, its development and how to contribute to the project. For the hosted version of Tx, please visit  http://www.transifex.net/. Transifex is a highly scalable localization platform with a focus on integrating well with the existing workflow of both translators and developers. It aim

    IanLewis 2010/03/01
    Transifex is a highly scalable localization platform with a focus on integrating well with the existing workflow of both translators and developers. It aims in making it dead-simple for content providers to receive quality translations from big translation communities, no matter where the project is
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