
ブックマーク / www.universalpictures.jp (5)

  • Universal Pictures Japan

    Universal Pictures Int'l UK & Eire 1 Central Saint Giles St Giles High Street London WC2H 8NU Please check our FAQ section where we have addressed many common subjects. If your query is not covered by the FAQ please contact us by email: For all queries relating to a Home Entertainment product - click here. For all queries relating to a film currently in cinemas or a future release - click here. Yo

    MWAVE 2024/06/22
    映画『ドライブアウェイ・ドールズ』を渋谷シネクイントで見た。良かった。ド下ネタだらけ。意外な展開に驚いたりして楽しめます。この題材でこのしょーもなさというのが大事なのかなり #ドライブアウェイ・ドールズ
  • Universal Pictures Japan

    Universal Pictures Int'l UK & Eire 1 Central Saint Giles St Giles High Street London WC2H 8NU Please check our FAQ section where we have addressed many common subjects. If your query is not covered by the FAQ please contact us by email: For all queries relating to a Home Entertainment product - click here. For all queries relating to a film currently in cinemas or a future release - click here. Yo

    MWAVE 2023/02/04
    映画『バイオレント・ナイト』をkino cinéma立川髙島屋S.C.館で見た。良かった。「サンタが暴れる」出オチ感を防ぐためか、いろいろ工夫がありましたね。肉弾戦中心の血みどろアクション。 #バイオレント・ナイト
  • Universal Pictures Japan

    Universal Pictures Int'l UK & Eire 1 Central Saint Giles St Giles High Street London WC2H 8NU Please check our FAQ section where we have addressed many common subjects. If your query is not covered by the FAQ please contact us by email: For all queries relating to a Home Entertainment product - click here. For all queries relating to a film currently in cinemas or a future release - click here. Yo

    MWAVE 2022/02/12
    映画『ブルー・バイユー』をkino cinéma立川髙島屋SC館で見た。養子縁組の杜撰さと非人道的な法律の運用を取り上げた作品。元夫の善悪の立場や言動が、話の展開の都合だけで変化してて、不自然。 #ブルー・バイユー
  • Universal Pictures Japan

    Universal Pictures Int'l UK & Eire 1 Central Saint Giles St Giles High Street London WC2H 8NU Please check our FAQ section where we have addressed many common subjects. If your query is not covered by the FAQ please contact us by email: For all queries relating to a Home Entertainment product - click here. For all queries relating to a film currently in cinemas or a future release - click here. Yo

    MWAVE 2021/06/19
    映画『Mr.ノーバディ』を見た。良かった。ナメてたオッサンが戦闘マシン、という話なのですが、オッサンが覚醒する理由が面白い。もちろんアクションも景気良く惨殺して最高。奥さんの背景が興味深い。 #Mrノーバディ
  • Universal Pictures Japan

    Universal Pictures Int'l UK & Eire 1 Central Saint Giles St Giles High Street London WC2H 8NU Please check our FAQ section where we have addressed many common subjects. If your query is not covered by the FAQ please contact us by email: For all queries relating to a Home Entertainment product - click here. For all queries relating to a film currently in cinemas or a future release - click here. Yo

    MWAVE 2021/01/09
    映画『ネクスト・ドリーム/ふたりで叶える夢』をTOHOシネマズ シャンテで見た。良かった。歌手グレースのキャラが魅力的。ダコタ・ジョンソンがきれい。都合良すぎなラストも許せる。EDMが悪役。#映画ネクストドリーム
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