
目からウロコと南米に関するOohのブックマーク (2)

  • BBC NEWS | Americas | Brazil launches slum reform drive

    The Brazilian government has pledged $1.7bn (£850m) to improve conditions in Rio de Janeiro's shantytowns and counter the grip of the drugs gangs. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said that investing in running water and other basic services was the best way to beat organised crime. He also defended police action in the slums just days after 19 people died during a major raid against the gangs.

    Ooh 2007/07/04
    “More than one million people live in Rio's sprawling slums.”“"We want people to have road access, street lighting, hospitals and schools."Such investment, the president said, was the only way to win against organised crime.”
  • nikkeyshimbun.com.br

    このドメインについて問い合わせる nikkeyshimbun.com.br 2024 著作権. 不許複製 プライバシーポリシー

    Ooh 2006/09/02
    “ウオル・マート米本社は、ゲイ&レズビアン商工会議所と業務提携を行った。ゲイ・ビジネスの市場拡大戦略が成功すれば、ゲイの大市場を抱えるブラジルにも同じ戦略” そうなのかブラジル。 EUにメルコスル、AU
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