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legendary_warriorsに関するR_Nikaidoのブックマーク (1)

  • ‎Legendary Warriors

    Nominated for Best Visual Design at Bitsummit Kyoto Indie Game Festival 2015! Set out on an epic adventure with strong and unique warriors to return precious fire to the world! ・Free to play ・A land of sword and spell awaits you with action-packed, thrilling battles! ・A unique and mysterious atmosphere with distinctive characters ・High-quality design and music, made with care ・Dreamlike gameplay t

    ‎Legendary Warriors
    R_Nikaido 2015/08/13
    スタグスカラボが旅団に加入した! #legendary_warriors あっ無料金ガチャで新キャラの魂20個出た! でけえ!
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