
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


e10sとAMOに関するRockridgeのブックマーク (1)

  • Firefox/AddOns/Status/current - MozillaWiki

    Add-ons/e10s Program Status Report Exec Summary/Hot Topics - Feb 14th 53 The goal in 53 is to allow e10s to expand to all users, unless they have add-ons marked specifically MPC=False (not multiprocess compatible) 52 Beta has the same criteria as 51. Ensuring that the targeting add-on accurately keeps e10s from users with add-ons marked MPC=False 51 Release 51 expanded to several hundred add-ons t

    Rockridge 2016/08/03
    Firefox 50から51にかけて、WebExtensions関連で実装される見込みの新APIなどについて。アドオン形式による新APIの実験が始まるほか、Management API/DevTools API/WebRequest APIなどが開発中だ。
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