HITSPAPER is a creative resources web magazine that explores the creative relationship between society and people. Based on the simple question of what kind of human beings are and what kind of things it means to be beautiful, we, through this medium, various genres (art / design / music / literature / philosophy) We explore creativity and liberate people = explore liberal arts. The role of the HI
Enhancing Tourism Experience: The Role of Graphic Design in Hotels and Tourism Applications The Importance of Graphic Design in Tourism In today's highly competitive tourism industry, graphic design plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging travelers. From brochures and websites to mobile applications and signage, visually appealing design elements are essential for capturing the attention o
結論を先に言うと 最近Webデザインのネタ多くない? しかも次から次にペース早くないッスか? ならせめて注目ネタくらいは自動保存しとこうぜ! んで取り出しやすい検索ロジックもつけて、後でも使えるナレッジベースにしちゃおうぜ! というのがこの「デザインフィードデータベース」を作る動機でした。 私こと「カッペ」は、個人的な趣味でWebデザインを収集・カテゴライズして「デザインリンクデータベース(以下DLDB)」で公開しております。 昼間は会社でシニア雑用係をしていますが、DLDBなどのネタをあさるのに、メジャーどころのサイトや、はてブの注目エントリーなどから、多くのRSSフィードをオンラインリーダーで購読しています。 「おっ」と思うネタがあるたびに、はてブやGoogle Docsに独自にまとめていましたが、おさえ忘れたテク系トピックがあることに後になって気づきまして。
Last December, I posted a list of the best designs in 2007. Now, it is time for — Best of CSS Design 2008 (a new list of 50 websites hand-picked from Best Web Gallery). This year, more designers are using the large background technique and utilizing Javascript frameworks (such as jQuery and MooTools) to enchance the user experience. I also came across a few designs that mixed Flash with CSS; perha
After the creative business cards showcase received over a million page views, I decided to post part two. These cards are also out-of-the-box ideas that most clients would love to have, but would never have the balls to actually use. Hopefully you will enjoy the ideas presented here as much as I did and will get inspired to create your own cool designs. I would like to thank everyone who sent me