サービス終了のお知らせ NAVERまとめは2020年9月30日をもちましてサービス終了いたしました。 約11年間、NAVERまとめをご利用・ご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございました。
新生活のことも、そろそろ考えだす時期になってきました。 一人暮らしの方は部屋のスペースが狭い分、部屋のレイアウトをうまくオシャレにしたいと悩んだりします。そこで今回は、観ているだけで楽しくて、しかも気付けば部屋のコーディネートの参考にもなっていた!とったWebサイトを25個ほどご紹介します。 お洒落な雑貨や家具がみつかるし、インテリアの実例(部屋に生活雑貨をどう配置するか)がのっているサイトもありますので、ぜひ参考にしてみてください。 一人暮らしのためのインテリアサイト 一人暮らしインテリアのジパング.com 一人暮らしインテリアのジパング.comは、ベッドの選び方からソファの選び方まで、一人暮らしの方のために詳細に説明されています。 実際に商品を探しながら、自分の部屋のレイアウトをイメージできるサイトです。さらに、このサイトから注文すると送料が無料というはラッキーですね。 → 一人暮らし
December 25, 201225 Wonderful Websites with Blurred Backgrounds As designers, we’re frequently asked to focus our designs on specific goals and purposes. But, believe it or not, sometimes losing focus can work just as well to your advantage. One of the latest design trends making the rounds in the web design world is out-of-focus, blurred, or “bokeh” backgrounds. There are many reasons that a desi
Solidity là một ngôn ngữ hướng đối tượng, cấp cao để phát triển dApps (Ứng dụng phi tập trung), trên chuỗi khối Ethereum. Blockchain là một mạng ngang hàng của các máy tính, được gọi là các nút, chia sẻ tất cả dữ liệu và mã trong mạng. Vì vậy, nếu bạn là một thiết bị được kết nối với chuỗi khối, bạn là một nút trong mạng và bạn nói chuyện với tất cả các nút máy tính khác trong mạng (chúng tôi sẽ n
An experimental slider pagination using the jQuery UI slider. The idea is to use a simple navigation concept that preserves layout and style while allowing content to stay easily accessible. A pagination is an essential part of any content-rich website, such as a magazine or a blog. The classic pagination will consist of linked numbers and some maybe some arrows, a presentation that has its limits
Single page websites are seriously on the up-and-up as far as design trending is concerned. With the advantages of the progress being made by open source mark-up, the effects that can be achieved without the use of Flash are, in some cases, quite stunning. Creating effective single page websites requires a lot of design skill, to include all necessary information in a relatively small amount of sp
Here, we have put together a list of 40 useful and yet free to use calendar PSD designs for you so that you can expedite your design work and make it look professional quality as well. These PSD designs will help you in amending your design faster and better. No doubt, Adobe Photoshop is a wonderful designing tool that has been used all over the world, and for this reason high quality PSD files al
パパ活とは 「パパ活」とは、若い女の子が年上の男性(「パパ」)と付き合うことでお小遣いや贈り物をもらうことを指します。 普通は、一緒に食事をしたりデートをしたりして、時には性的なこともするけど、その代わりにお金やプレゼントをもらいます。 これはパパ側もPJ側もお互いが合意してやることだけど、ちょっとしたリスクもあるから、慎重に考えて行わなければいけません。 パパ活の相場 パパ活の相場は一般的には、1回のデートや会食について数万円から数十万円程度が相場とされていますが、地域や相手の条件によって異なります。 また、時間やデート内容によってもお手当額は変わるため、具体的な相場を把握するには個々の状況に応じて調査や相談をすることが重要です。 東京都心部や、大阪・名古屋・福岡など大都市圏では相場が高めです。たとえば、東京や大阪などの都市部では、1回のデートや会食について3万円から数十万円ですが、地方
40+ Fresh and Free Web UI and Mobile Kits for Developers and Designers In this round-up, we are showcasing fresh and free web UI design kits as well as some mobile kits. This collection will astonish you, but, more importantly, save your valuable time. Designing a user interface (UI) is a difficult task, because it takes lots of time and needs loads of patience as well. Furthermore, designing user