
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


webglに関するaoe-tkのブックマーク (1)

  • FishIE Tank

    Thanks for checking out this site. This demo uses the canvas element to draw fish swimming in a fish tank. The FPS count tells you how many frames per second the browser is able to draw. If you add or remove fish, the frames per second will go up or down depending on how much work the browser is able to do each frame. The UI is primarliy driven through Javascript and Canvas. The purpose of these d

    aoe-tk 2011/05/14
    MSがIEのデモに使うFishIE TankをWebGLで作り直したもの。ChromeやFirefoxで見ると魚を沢山増やしても高FPSを維持している。
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