Important Notice - October, 2008 On October 1, 2008 Yahoo! announced the release of YUI 2.6.0. This release contained the official YUI Carousel component. As you know, the intent of my carousel component was to fill in a gap in the YUI library. In 2006, I created the ycarousel component. Thankfully, many people have found it useful over the last 2 years. Before I left Yahoo! in 2007, I spent some
JavaScriptライブラリのPrototypeとscript.aculo.usのプラグインを利用して出来るサンプルです。 prototypeはAjaxライブラリの先駆けと登場し、多くのサイトで使用されています。 ここでは、画像関連、メニュー関連、フォーム関連、その他、日本語未解説の分類でAjaxライブラリのprototypeならびにscript.aculo.usのサンプルを紹介しています。
I've made a new plugin, that supercedes this one. Please check jQuery.SerialScroll. It's very small and offers high customizability, can be used for slideshows, site navigation, news tickers, etc. (These 3 exemplified in the demo). jQuery.ScrollShow is a very customizable slideshow, that relies on jQuery.ScrollTo, to slide(scroll) the items. Documentation is included in the source file. The plugin
mooVRotatingMenu, menu pour perdre ses clients Le but du jeu : c'est dans le titre, perdre ses clients... Bon ben, sinon, ça peut toujours amuser la galerie ou encore animer le palles d'un moulin et, accessoirement servir de menu ou, pourquoi pas, de galerie photos... En fait, comme c'est typiquement le genre de truc qui m'amuse, probablement pas mal d'options (par exemple le radius de la position