What is an API (application programming interface)? Definition and examples A lot of people who work in technology have an intuitive understanding of what an API (application programming interface) is — but if you asked them to define it, they might have trouble putting an explanation into words. In simple terms, an API is both a piece of software running on a networked server and a component of p
winstoneのRequestDispatcherを覗いているときに発見した事実。つーか,正直あまり気にしたこと無かった。 RequestDispatcher.include()/forward()したときのRequest URIの挙動について。includeの方は,Servlet2.3のころ(SRV.8.3.1)から定義されていたようなのだが,forwardは,Servlet2.4(SRV.8.4.2)で定義されたもよう。 #まあ,どっちも知らなかったんで,威張って言うほどのモノではない。:-) ここにも書いてあった。 →Servlet 2.4: What's in store - RequestDispatcher changes 続きを読む 大抵のAPサーバがリクエストを処理する実行スレッドを持っているところまでは,それとなく分かっていたが,実際にスレッドの中で何が起きているかまで
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About XStream XStream is a simple library to serialize objects to XML and back again. Features Ease of use. A high level facade is supplied that simplifies common use cases. No mappings required. Most objects can be serialized without need for specifying mappings. Performance. Speed and low memory footprint are a crucial part of the design, making it suitable for large object graphs or systems wit
March 12, 2007: The release 1.005 is available. It fixes a few bugs including a nasty parsing problems with the Javadoc processor. UDoc is a tool to visualize some Java classes. It dynamically produces some UML-like diagrams from various sources (Javadoc, Java sources, Java binaries) The diagrams contain a lot of information, and you can easily navigate from classes to classes.
"侍" とは † 侍 はタブ表示できる GUI の tail ツールです。 標準出力・標準エラー出力をリダイレクトしたログファイルより Java のスレッドダンプのみを切り出して色分け表示したり、-verbosegcオプションによるログをグラフ表示したりできるため特に Java のトラブルシューティングに役立ちます。 ↑ システム要件 † OS: JDK 1.4 以降の実行環境をサポートする Windows や Unix JDKは以下のページからダウンロードできます。 http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/ja/download.html 検証済みの解析対象JVM: JDK 1.3.x,JDK 1.4.x,JDK5.0 準拠の Apple/BEA/Sun/HP/IBM 製JVM JRE がインストールされていない環境では ActiveX ベースのインストーラ をご利
What's that? The Java Text Categorizing Library (JTCL) is a pure java 1.5 implementation of libTextCat which in turn is "a library that was primarily developed for language guessing, a task on which it is known to perform with near-perfect accuracy". It's distributed under the LGPL and can also be used in order to categorize text into arbitrary topics by computing appropiate fingerprints which rep
Piccolo is a small, extremely fast XML parser for Java. It implements the SAX 1, SAX 2.0.1, and JAXP 1.1 (SAX parsing only) interfaces as a non-validating parser and attempts to detect all XML well-formedness errors. Piccolo was developed by Yuval Oren and is released as open source software under the terms of the Apache Software License 2.0 . Piccolo was developed using modified versions of the p
Moving to GitHub GitHub is now the new home for Beanshell's source code. We are currently moving much of the content and undergoing heavy development there. Please be patient while we cleanup old content in this site. BeanShell JSR Passes! JSR-274 the BeanShell Scripting Language, has passed the voting process with flying colors. This means that we will proceed with forming the expert group to wri
Oracle WebLogic Server Oracle WebLogic Server is a unified and extensible platform for developing, deploying and running enterprise applications, such as Java, for on-premises and in the cloud. WebLogic Server offers a robust, mature, and scalable implementation of Java Enterprise Edition (EE) and Jakarta EE. WebLogic Server on Kubernetes Oracle WebLogic Server is fully supported on Kubernetes and
You are here: Home » blog » stuff » Open Source Calendar Management Written in Java Human activities revolve around the management of time. It's just ironic that Java's support for time and calendar manipulation has been quite anemic at best. Fortuntately there are several open source solutions out there that make a valiant attempt to compensate for Java's defficiencies. (note: There's a new JSR