研究者に関するcdcのブックマーク (1)

  • @longzhit氏が国際分子生物進化学会Walter Fitch賞を受賞!

    Takashi Tsuchimatsu @longzhit I am awarded for the Walter Fitch Prize in the SMBE meeting!! I really thank for all people coming to the symposium today! #smbe2010 2010-07-08 10:07:15 Takashi Tsuchimatsu @longzhit I just come back to my hotel from the intensive drinking with my colleagues! I can not yet believe I am really awarded. Amazing night!! 2010-07-08 10:08:59

    @longzhit氏が国際分子生物進化学会Walter Fitch賞を受賞!
    cdc 2010/07/09
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