
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


RSSに関するcitroのブックマーク (2)

  • blog · RSS Is Dying Being Ignored, and You Should Be Very Worried

    RSS Is Dying Being Ignored, and You Should Be Very Worried RSS makes it possible for me to check 100s of sites a day. I only actually implicitly go and read two, everything else goes through the RSS reader. If I didn’t have RSS then I wouldn’t bother keeping an eye on that many sites in the first place. Because me and you—dear technical readers—don’t have to suffer that routine anymore, it’s not r

    citro 2011/01/03
    Firefox4にはツールバーのRSSボタンが「使う人が少ない」という理由で消えるらしく、この流れでRSSが消えてしまうことへの憂慮について。「IF RSS DIES, WE LOSE THE ABILITY TO READ IN PRIVATE」
  • Page2RSS

    Convert web page to RSS feed Page2RSS is a service that helps you monitor web sites that do not publish feeds. It will check any web page for updates and deliver them to your favorite RSS reader. Add Page2RSS button to your browser You can add a button to your browser's bookmarks toolbar that will create Page2RSS feed for the page you are currently viewing. This is an easy and convenient way for y

    citro 2010/09/23
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