
Estimationに関するclicklogのブックマーク (1)

  • Smart Connected Systems Division

    WHO WE ARE: NIST CTL’s Smart Connected Systems Division researches, develops, and deploys advances in measurement science, standards, and test methods for core communications networks, trustworthy IoT systems, and critical applications including smart manufacturing, industrial control systems, automated vehicles, energy systems, and smart infrastructures including smart cities and communities. The

    clicklog 2011/06/01
    P.16, P.17 のメモリの食い具合をみると BGPSEC (ここでは SIDR かな)の普及はちょっと難しいんじゃないかと思わざるを得ないなぁ。しかも開始時期を2015年くらいからって見積もってるけど、RPKI の方が早く来ちゃいそうだ…。
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