When triangle meshes are rendered by a GPU, there are pipeline stages that need to load and process vertex and index data. The efficiency of this process will depend on the layout of the data, and how the GPU is designed. There is an excellent library from Arseny Kapoulkine called meshoptimizer, which provides a variety of algorithms for optimizing geometry for the GPU. This particular library has
Recommended reading: ownership, unsafe Rust Introduction🔗 This blog post covers my adventure in fixing a bug in the Rust bindings for the Capstone C library, a disassembly library that supports several CPU architectures. The capstone-rs crate attempts to provide a Rusty, object-oriented interface. You do not necessarily need previous experience in C code or foreign function (FFI) bindings to unde
お久しぶりです。 Amazon prime videoの見過ぎでやはり2週間ほど経ってしまいました😅 まぁこのままマイペースで書いていくことにします。 では行ってみましょう!! 2018/10/12にRust1.29.2がリリースされました LLVMのバージョンアップ後に最適化周りでバグが混入したようですが、まだ根本原因はわかっていないようです https://github.com/Shnatsel/libdiffuzz How I’ve found vulnerability in a popular Rust crate (and you can too) Rust向けのメモリサニタイザで、unsafeを使っているコードで未初期化データをメモリ参照した場合を検出できるようです 実際のトロフィーケースとしてはRustのFLACデコーダclaxonのバグを発見したようです https:/
Command Line Argument Parser for Rust Quick Links: Derive tutorial and reference Builder tutorial and reference Cookbook FAQ Discussions CHANGELOG (includes major version migration guides) §Aspirations Out of the box, users get a polished CLI experience Including common argument behavior, help generation, suggested fixes for users, colored output, shell completions, etc Flexible enough to port you
npm でよく使っている husky というツールがあります.これは npm install などを hook して Git hook を自動でセットしてくれるツールで,リモートにプッシュする前のチェックを強制してくれます.もちろん CI でもテストを回しているのですが,プッシュ前にもチェックすることによりケアレスミスに早く気付くことができます. Rust でもこの仕組みを使いたかったのですが,そういうツールが無かった&つくれそうだったので cargo-husky というツールをつくりました. github.com 基本的な使い方 cargo-husky パッケージを Cargo.toml の dev-dependencies に追加して cargo test を実行するだけです. [dev-dependencies] cargo-husky = "1" $ cargo test carg
Geoffroy Couprie – software security and architecture consultant Support my work on Patreon As the main developer of nom, the Rust parser combinators library, I’m usually happy to see other parser libraries appear in Rust. The language’s strengths play well in that space, and writing parsers is a nice way to explore it. I’m also happy to see them compete in benchmarks with nom, since it keeps me o
pest is a general purpose parser written in Rust with a focus on accessibility, correctness, and performance. It uses parsing expression grammars (or PEG) as input, which are similar in spirit to regular expressions, but which offer the enhanced expressivity needed to parse complex languages. Accessibility Grammar-generated parsers are both easier to use and maintain than their hand-written counte
Functional programming often gets criticized as being slow, so I wanted to present an example where it is in fact several times faster than the equivalent imperative code1. The problem is to count the lengths of Collatz sequences, which you may remember from here. In Rust, this is straightforward: fn modular(a: i64, b: i64) -> i64 { ((a % b) + b) % b } pub fn collatz_length(mut i: i64) -> i64 { le
As you may know, I have been working on polyglot for some time now. It is now the second-most popular ATS project on github0 and it has reached a state of relative maturity. With that in mind, I would like to make a pitch for polyglot by proving the following: polyglot is the fastest code-counting tool availablepolyglot is the only fast tool that correctly disambiguates file extensions when they c
On behalf of the Linkerd maintainers, I’m happy to announce that Linkerd 2.0 is now in general availability (GA). This means that we’ve cut an official 2.0 stable release, and we think it’s ready for you to try in production. It’s already seeing the light of day at companies like WePay, Hush, Studyo, and JustFootball. You can try Linkerd 2.0 on a Kubernetes 1.9+ cluster in 60 seconds by running: (
The Network Services Working Group aims to improve the story for web development this year in several respects: by bolstering foundations like async/await, by improving the ecosystem of web-related crates, and by pulling these pieces together into a framework and book called Tide. The name “Tide” refers to “a rising tide lifts all boats”; the intent is to improve sharing, compatibility, and improv
少し間が空いてしまいましたが無事2回目です。 早速行ってみましょう!! 2018/09/13にRust1.29がリリースされました️🎉 大きな変更点としてはcargo fixとcargo clippyがstableで使えるようになっています。良いですね😃 vol.1 2018.09.08でRustConf 2018の面白そうな発表を紹介してみますと言っていたので、以下ざっくりですが、紹介してみます。キーワードだけ抜き出した感じになってますので、詳細は実際の動画をみて頂ければと。 RustConf 2018 - Benchmarking and Optimization of Rust Libraries by Paul Mason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2ZQ9-4ZJmQ Rustのベンチマーク周りについての発表です。ベンチマークまわりにつ