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artに関するdisableのブックマーク (2)

  • BMW (South Africa). Defining innovation.

    Source: www.bmw.co.za/innovations. Shot in the Netherlands utilising the moving sculptures of world-renowned artist Theo Jansen, this commercial, entitled "Kinetic Sculptures" forms part of a broader campaign which serves to highlight BMW's market leadership in the fields of technology and innovation. [http://www.bmw.co.za]

    BMW (South Africa). Defining innovation.
    disable 2007/06/01
    Theo Jansen - テオ・ヤンセン
  • Zdzislaw Beksinski

    ZDZISŁAW BEKSIŃSKI WYWIAD Z BEKSIŃSKIM WYPOWIEDZI BEKSIŃSKIEGO I O NIM I. MALARSTWO I GRAFIKA GALERIE: 1 2 3 4 5 6 II. GRAFIKA KOMPUTEROWA GALERIE: 1 2 3 4 zdzislaw_beksinski_1971 zdzislaw_beksinski_1972 zdzislaw_beksinski_1972 zdzislaw_beksinski_1974 zdzislaw_beksinski_1975 zdzislaw_beksinski_1975 zdzislaw_beksinski_1976 zdzislaw_beksinski_1977 zdzislaw_beksinski_1977 zdzislaw_beksinski_1978 zdzi

    disable 2006/05/29
    Zdzislaw Beksinski
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