本セッションでは「AndroidってSDカード使えるんでしょ?」と急に出てきたちょっとヤバそうな仕様との付き合い方、 「気づいたらアプリで容量使いすぎて死にそう」という機能要件をクリアするためのストレージ戦略を解説します。 内部/拡張などストレージの種類を問わず、アプリがデータを保持するための最適な場所について横断的に考察します。 今は昔、古来のAndroidアプリではSDカードのパスを探すだけで一苦労がありました。 現在、Android SDKが提供するExternal Stroage APIでは拡張ストレージへのアクセスを可能にしており、 アプリはより多くの情報を拡張領域に保存できます。 セッションではアプリケーションの種類や保存するコンテンツの性質を考慮しながら内部/拡張ストレージを上手に使い分ける方法を紹介します。 利用にあたってはマルチアカウント、端末の空き容量、クラウド連携、暗
I recently had to work on an Android application that consumed an API which removed support for TLS 1.0 connections for security reasons. The Android documentation for SSLSocket says that TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 is supported within android starting API level 16+ (Android 4.1, Jelly Bean). But it is by default disabled but starting with API level 20+ (Android 4.4 for watch, Kitkat Watch and Android 5.0
Android is the world's most popular smartphone operating system, running on over three billion smartphones. As a result, even the tiniest of changes in the OS has the potential to affect millions of users. But because of the way Android updates are delivered, it's debatable whether these changes actually make a difference. Despite that, we're always looking forward to the next big Android update i
前回、指紋認証 API のサンプルコードをざっと見てみたのですが、そのときに FingerprintManagerCompat クラスが Support Library v4 にあるのを見つけました。 androhi.hatenablog.com このクラスを使えば Android 6.0 (API level 23 未満) も含め、スッキリと実装できるんじゃないかなと思い調べてみました。 FingerprintManager のインスタンス取得 前回のGoogleのサンプルコードでは、以下のようなコードでインスタンスを取得していました。 FingerprintManager manager = context.getSystemService(FingerprintManager.class); ところが以下の2点で API level 23 未満では、getSystemService(
New in Android Samples: Authenticating to remote servers using the Fingerprint API Posted by Takeshi Hagikura, Yuichi Araki, Developer Programs Engineer As we announced in the previous blog post, Android 6.0 Marshmallow is now publicly available to users. Along the way, we’ve been updating our samples collection to highlight exciting new features available to developers. This week, we’re releasing
Each time Google releases a new SDK platform, I rummage through the API differences report, the new Build.VERSION_CODES entry, and the high-level overviews (which are missing at the moment), to see if there are things that warrant more attention from developers, with an emphasis on mainstream features that any developer might reasonably use. Android 6.0 extends what we had in the M Developer Previ
Develop a sweet spot for Marshmallow: Official Android 6.0 SDK & Final M Preview Whether you like them straight out of the bag, roasted to a golden brown exterior with a molten center, or in fluff form, who doesn’t like marshmallows? We definitely like them! Since the launch of the M Developer Preview at Google I/O in May, we’ve enjoyed all of your participation and feedback. Today with the final
By:Zuk Avraham Follow Zuk Avraham (@ihackbanme)Joshua Drake Follow Joshua Drake (@jduck)Nikias Bassen Follow Nikias Bassen (@pimskeks) UPDATE: Zimperium’s Mobile Threat Protection customers are safe from this threat, even without updating the device to the latest Android version. Companies that have reasons to believe that they are under active Stagefright attacks, should contact us ASAP at stagef
I’m a massive fan of material design. Everything about it provides a strong feeling of consistency between applications and as a whole makes them both easier and more aesthetically pleasing to use. Google I/O 2015 saw the introduction of some great new assets to the world of Android — including the new Design Support Library. With the introduction of this, there’s now no excuse not to follow the M
2015年5月29日(現地時刻)、GoogleはAndroid M Developer Previewを発表しました。 Android MはLollipopから多くの改善を行った新バージョンです。 数千のバグを修正したほか、バッテリの持ちの改善など着実な性能向上が行われています。 あわせて開発環境の更新が行われ、Android Studio 1.3がリリース、ついにNDK(C/C++)開発がサポートされています。Gradleの高速化や新しいメモリアナライザなども追加されました。 http://android-developers.blogspot.jp/2015/05/android-m-developer-preview-tools.html https://developer.android.com/preview/download.html App Permissionによるアクセス
Manny Karyampudi pointed out to me a problem with some of my book samples, that turned out to indicate a regression in the behavior of AlarmManager on Android 5.1. (book sample apps are useful canaries in the Android coal mine…) Up through Android 5.0, the repeat interval for setRepeating() and setInexactRepeating() could be fairly low. Some of my book samples, like this one, go as low as 5000ms,